How to row with TRX? We teach you the correct technique

Rowing with TRX is an alternative to conventional rowing in which the bar or cable machine is used. This form of rowing is performed using the TRX suspension training system that uses body weight as the main load . This exercise is ideal for those looking to correct their form, recover from an injury, and strengthen the muscles in the shoulders, trunk, and back. Next, we explain how to row with TRX applying the correct technique and take advantage of all its benefits.

Steps to know how to row with TRX

If you want to know how to row with TRX with the correct technique, follow these steps:

  1. Start by adjusting the length of the TRX and make sure the handles are parallel. Get away from the anchor.
  2. Keep your body straight and your shoulders back and down .
  3. Hold the handles and walk your feet forward until your body is at a 45 degree angle. (You can increase the intensity of this exercise by standing at a lower angle.)
  4. Maintain a neutral grip holding the handles (palms facing each other) and relax your knees.
  5. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull your chest towards the handles and keep your elbows close to your side. Make sure to lower your rib cage and not hyperextend your hips .
  6. Bring your belly to your spine and squeeze your glutes hard .
  7. Go back down and be careful not to hang from your lats or go around your spine.

How to row with TRX with the correct technique

One of the most important things to remember while rowing with TRX is to keep your shoulders down and back . Many people can begin to raise their shoulders while rowing. Remember to take your time and keep your shoulders down and away from your ears.

Another important thing to keep in mind when rowing with TRX is to bring the scapula together . This means that when you get to the top of the movement (when your elbows are bent), you will need to bring your shoulder blades together. This will ensure that you take advantage of all the benefits of this movement by applying the correct technique.

Finally, remember to keep your elbows close to your body , preventing them from opening to the sides.

Suspended rowing variations

You can always make TRX rowing more difficult by stepping forward and creating a more open body angle (closer to horizontal with the ground). This requires you to lift more of your body weight while rowing, since your feet support less weight . But if you’re up for an even bigger challenge, try doing it one-armed.

Simply perform the exercise in exactly the same way as you do with both arms , but using only one. Just remember to keep your torso at the proper angle to the anchor of the suspension straps so that the non-working side does not rotate towards the ground.

beneficios del remo con TRX

Safety and precautions when rowing with TRX

By following the directions, anyone knows how to row with TRX, but to avoid injury, it is important to take things calmly and firmly:

  1. Start with a larger body angle than you think you need . If the exercise is easy for you, walk your feet forward to make it more difficult. Likewise, make sure to keep your core tight and move smoothly.
  2. Take the same time in both the descending phase and the ascending phase . And if, for whatever reason, you feel a sharp pain in your shoulders, discontinue the exercise.

You can always try barbell or dumbbell rowing if you’re not ready to lift a portion of your own body weight.

Benefits of rowing with TRX

Rowing with TRX has many benefits that can be seen in the variety of TRX exercises:

  1. It is low risk, comfortable and versatile .
  2. A great and easy training method for anyone of any age .
  3. Great way to strengthen your back, build body awareness, and practice postural alignment .
  4. It allows you to perform a variety of kinetic chain exercises .
  5. Strengthens shoulder stabilizers, spinal erectors, and abdominal muscles .
  6. You can work unilateral movements with ease , that is, shoulder presses, raises and pulls of any arm.
  7. It allows you to have more control over your body weight and perform functional movements.

Why is suspension rowing useful?

Also known as a suspension row, the TRX row is a great exercise for improving midline stability and strengthening upper and lower back muscles. In addition, it strengthens the grip and activates all the central muscles . It is a great alternative and a substitute for the use of dumbbells and machines.

This exercise is widely recommended for those who suffer from acute or chronic back pain and / or strains . It is also a great option for people who have an inability to perform complex compound movements . Likewise, it is a useful tool for athletes and weightlifters to incorporate it into their routines as an accessory / dynamic exercise , adjust the intensity level and spend a longer time under tension in any particular exercise of their choice.