What to eat after training? The most recommended foods

Training is important to keep fit and look good, but knowing what to eat after training is essential if we want to see results in our body. In this article we give you the guidelines to get the food you should eat right after your workouts.

What are the main components of food?


Carbohydrates or carbohydrates are carbohydrates or sugar compounds whose main function is to provide the necessary energy to the body for the resolution of daily physical and metabolic tasks.

When you exercise vigorously, the body uses carbohydrates to work our muscles . They are the first source of energy in the diet.


Molecules made up of amino acids that are joined by a type of bond, peptide bonds, are called proteins.

Proteins make up approximately half the weight of the body’s tissues , and are present in all cells of the body, in addition to participating in practically all the biological processes that take place.

These molecules play a fundamental role in the body, as they are essential for muscle building and growth. They are also important for the synthesis and maintenance of various tissues or components of the body.

comida post entrenamiento

Fats or lipids

Fats are molecules that the body uses to produce nerve tissue and hormones , although the body also uses fat as fuel ultimately . If the fat that is ingested is not used for energy or to build the components of the body, it is stored in the form of adipose cells (fat).

Why is a good post-workout necessary?

After exercise, it is highly recommended to eat a food intake so that our body can recover all the minerals, water and energy that were used during sports practice , in addition to trying to help repair and build muscle tissue.

With food, our body:

Replenish muscle glycogen stores

After a good workout, our body depletes glycogen reserves , both muscle and liver. It is for this reason that one of the main reasons for post-workout food is to replenish depleted sources of glycogen.

For this recovery, the consumption of 1.2 grams of carbohydrate per body weight is necessary, although it has been shown that an intake of 0.2 to 0.4 grams per kilo of body weight produces a similar effect to taking carbohydrates of carbon that we have mentioned previously, since it stimulates the release of insulin that replenishes the glycogen stores.

Helps with muscle repair

Muscle protein is destroyed due to the stress of training . After this process and thanks to the ingested protein, the worked muscle recovers satisfactorily and is ready for the next training session.

It is advisable to include proteins of high biological value in the following meals to the training. There are recommendations that say that the optimal amount to ingest one hour after training is around 20 or 30 grams of protein .

Serves to replace lost fluids

After intense training, there is usually a deficit in body fluid, due to sweating caused by activity. This loss of fluid leads to a loss of electrolytes that must be recovered if we do not want to cause an injury.

It is recommended to make an intake of 125% -150% of the liquid that is estimated to have been lost. Obviously, this intake should not be done in a single shot, but should be spread over the 6 hours after training.

What to eat after training?

As we have seen previously, after exercise our body needs a great variety of nutrients, so with a single food we can hardly meet the needs of our body.

The ideal will be to vary the foods and make an intake that includes the 3 necessary macronutrients. Some of the best foods to include in this post-workout meal are:


It is a very interesting option, since it combines different types of carbohydrates . Banana’s carbohydrate-sugar ratio is higher than that of other fruits, making it an excellent option.



There are few foods that exceed the biological quality of egg protein. Eggs are super versatile products, with a moderate caloric level, inexpensive and with a protein content of high biological value .


This food contains a high amount of protein and provides us with probiotics and calcium. The best way to consume them is to accompany them with carbohydrates, for example, a few oatmeal flakes. In this way we will get a perfect food to recover after training.


Legumes provide us with both carbohydrates and proteins, something that makes them a very complete food to take after exercising . A simple and very effective way to consume this food in a simple way is to use hummus, a kind of puree. In this way we can eat them in a comfortable, effective and delicious way.


Tuna is another of the perfect protein-rich foods to eat after training. In addition, if we do it by combining it with rice , we will also add carbohydrates to our intake. Of course, it is not advisable to abuse it and much less in its canned option due to endocrine disruptors such as mercury.


Almonds are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and vitamin E. Your intake will incorporate a good handful of minerals such as calcium, which can help protect the heart and strengthen bones.

They are rich in vegetable proteins and essential amino acids, so they become a very good option for after training, since it is easy to transport and eat them.


Cocoa is rich in polyphenols, catechins, anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which have antioxidant properties and can directly influence insulin resistance and in turn reduce the risk of diabetes.

On the other hand, it is rich in rapidly absorbed sugars, making it a very good option for athletes. They also have anti-inflammatory properties , which result in cardioprotective effects. But the benefits of this food do not stop there, but at the level of our microbiome we can also benefit, since it modulates the intestinal microbiota and strengthens the immune system, the production of vitamins and even the reduction of the risk of diabetes.


Although water is not a food as such, we could not stop including it in this list of the best foods after a workout.

This drink is essential to help our body regain the fluids it has lost during sports with sweat.


Training is a fantastic tool to maintain the health of our body, but if it is not accompanied by a good diet, we will not be able to benefit from the physical and physiological changes that sports practice can bring us.

Knowing what to eat after training and eating a good diet after exercise should be essential if we want not to suffer imbalances and that our body can recover optimally.


  • Drafting of web consultations. ( October 28, 2010 ). Carbohydrates webconsultas.com https://www.webconsultas.com/dieta-y-nutricion/dieta-equilibrada/macronutrientes/hidratos-de-carbono-1809
  • Proteins Cuidateplus.marca.com https://cuidateplus.marca.com/alimentacion/dictionary/proteinas.html
  • Valverde, A. (May 6, 2016). Definitive guide to post-workout nutrition. training.com https://www.entrenamiento.com/nutricion/dietas/guia-definitiva-nutricion-post-entrenamiento/
  • Welthy. (November 5, 2020). WHAT TO EAT AFTER TRAINING. welthy.es https://www.welthy.es/blog/que-comer-despues-de-entrenar/
  • Almonds Cuerpomente.com https://www.cuerpomente.com/guia-alimentos/almendras
  • The power of the consumer. (September 5, 2017). The power of … Cocoa. elpoderdelconsumidor.org https://elpoderdelconsumidor.org/2017/09/el-poder-de-el-cacao/