How to improve your deadlift if you squat a lot

Exercising is really challenging for many people, especially if the exercises require a lot of physical effort, such as squats and deadlifts.

It should be noted that for some athletes it is much easier to lift weights in squats than to lift large loads in the deadlift (or vice versa). To know if you are dominant in some of these exercises, you have to guide yourself through the weights you lift. If your squat weight is more than 85% of your deadlift, then you are a squat dominant. But if you lift 136 kilograms and can squat 115 kg, then it's time to increase your deadlift load.

If in doubt, check out these tips to learn how to improve your deadlift if you squat a lot .

Cómo ganar fuerza en el peso muerto

5 exercises to improve your deadlift

1. Good morning with cargo

Normally, this exercise is done to warm up, but instead of a barbell, they use a band; however, doing this exercise can be quite helpful in improving your deadlift strength .

The secret to doing this movement well is to think that you push the floor with your feet, in this way you will work the glutes correctly.

Perform 3 to 5 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions, with a moderate weight.

2. Kang squats

Kang squats are a great exercise to strengthen your legs. When doing this exercise, you have to do it with a moderate weight. You might think it won't help you gain more strength, but the truth is, it will train your hamstrings to make them stronger.

The key to this move is to keep your hamstrings tensioned at the bottom of the squat, which may mean that you have to shorten the depth of the squat a bit – this will keep your hamstrings in constant tension.

Perform 3 to 5 sets, 8 to 10 repetitions with a moderate weight.

Variante de sentadillas para mejorar el peso muerto

3. Unilateral Romanian Kettlebell Deadlift

The Romanian deadlift, whether with one or two legs, is always an excellent exercise if you want to improve the strength of your hamstrings , but if you want more tension in this area, then you have to use the single leg variation.

Perform 3 to 5 reps, 8 to 10 reps with a challenging weight.

Peso muerto rumano unilateral con pesas rusas para fortalecer isquiotibiales

4. Hamstring Plank Foot Raise

To do this exercise you have to start by placing both feet on a bench, your shoulders on the ground and lifting your hips off the ground. At the same time you have to keep your knees straight. This will keep you in a raised supine plank position, where you should feel your hamstrings working hard.

Perform 3 sets of 30 to 60 seconds.

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5. Glute bridge with resistance band

If you are one of those people who does not feel difficulty doing a glute bridge, then you should intensify it with the help of a resistance band. This will add extra pressure to your legs.

Perform 100 glute bridges with resistance band. This exercise is considered a "finisher", so it is recommended to do it at the end of your training routine.

Puente de glúteos con banda de resistencia


If you are looking to improve your deadlift , you should perform a series of exercises that help you gain more strength in your hamstrings . In this way, you can gradually gain weight in this exercise.


  • Emily, B. Are You Squat Dominant Or Deadlift Dominant? Know Your Strengths. For Breakingmuscle [Reviewed December 2019].