The best upper body workout for women

If you are a woman, you have probably been frustrated at not being able to gain strength in your upper body. Despite doing countless routines with the rings or box push-ups, it appears that the back muscles are not gaining the strength required to do a pull-up.

For this reason, we consider it advisable that if you are a woman and you like to train, you know the best upper body training for women . With this routine, you can enjoy all the benefits of doing a pull-up, improve your posture, reduce back pain, work your core, improve your figure and, of course, increase your strength.

La mejor rutina de entrenamiento de tren superior para mujeres

Upper body routine for women

1. First part: Tempo

Learning to maintain your running speed is essential to building upper body strength. Generally, tempo adds more difficulty to exercises and allows for increased strength and stability in weaker areas of the body. Therefore, consider performing the following exercises by following these steps:

1.1 Rowing on rings

  1. To do this exercise, you will have to keep the rings on your chest for three seconds. Then, stretch your arms down for another three seconds.
  2. Hold your arms straight for a second.
  3. Pull forward as hard as you can into the starting position.
Ejercicios tren superior para mujeres

1.2 Shoulder press

  1. Explosively raise the dumbbells with your arms, hold them there for 3 seconds. Then lower your arm slowly for three seconds.
  2. Hold down for a second, to get back up explosively.
Ejercicios para mujeres para fortalecer el tren superior

2. Part Two: Isometric Work

Isometric work is especially helpful in an upper body workout for women . Do the following exercises:

2.1 Ring dips

Perform 3 sets of this exercise at 80% effort. To get your upper body stronger, hold on until the exercise begins to be a real challenge and push until the end.

Ejercicios eficaces de tren superior para mujeres

2.2 Chin-ups

Chin-ups (close-grip chin-ups) work muscles similar to chin-ups, however, the difference is that they demand more effort on the biceps.

For this routine, perform 3 sets of chin-ups at 80% effort. Try a grip in pronation and supination.

Variantes de dominadas para mujeres con menos fuerza

3. Third part: Negative

A negative exercise focuses on movement when the muscle lengthens instead of contracting. In a dominated; for example, this happens when you go down to the starting position and is very useful for working on momentum in a chin-up.

The following exercises focus on negative movement:

3.1 Handstand Push-Up in negative

  1. Do 5 to 10 repetitions of this exercise with a negative movement for 8 to 10 seconds.
  2. Rest as needed between reps.
Los mejores entrenamientos de tren superior para mujeres

3.2 Negative pull-up

  1. Complete 5 to 10 reps of pull-ups with a negative for 8 to 10 seconds.
  2. To make it more challenging, pause for 5 seconds when you're at a 90 ° angle.
  3. Rest as needed between reps.
Dominadas negativas para personas que no pueden hacerlas


For women it may be more difficult to gain upper body strength and complete a pull-up. Therefore, consider a routine that improves your tempo, your isometric work and your negatives to be able once and for all to perform a considerable number of chins.


  • Beers, E. The Keys To Upper Body Strength Training For Women. For Breakingmuscle. [Revised December 2019]