How to do cardiovascular exercise with a knee injury

In these days of innovation in all aspects of our lives, an injury can no longer completely stop you from exercising.

A few decades ago, a knee injury meant nothing to do until a recovery that would take weeks to happen. Fortunately, things are different now thanks to new medicinal and early recovery methods. In addition, exercising can benefit your knees and help them keep moving, which is an important part of healing.

Don't let this obstacle prevent you from exercising, even if it is a tempting opportunity to abandon your healthy life. Find out how to do cardiovascular exercise with a knee injury .

Por qué hacer ejercicio con una lesión de rodilla

Why is staying active so important?

Aerobic exercise is essential to maintain a healthy life. For this reason, approximately 150 to 300 minutes of physical activity per week is usually recommended.

According to a study published in JAMA , when you sweat regularly your heart becomes stronger and your body maintains the strength and mobility necessary for your day-to-day life (Pahor et al., 2014). Other experts say that cardiovascular exercise helps you keep your weight under control, which takes weight off your knees in the long term (Messier et al., 2018).

Especially when you are injured, movement promotes the circulation of fluids through your lymphatic system (a vital part of your immune system). This is important because the circulation of lymphatic fluids and blood can help you heal faster, as they transport vital nutrients to the affected area and carry disposable products.

Another point in favor of exercise is that it also prevents the generation of short-term injuries , such as torn ligaments or tendinitis. Also, if your body stays still when injured, your brain may associate the affected area with danger and pain. In that way, the pain becomes chronic and is very difficult to treat.

On the other hand, cardiovascular exercise serves to release accumulated stress and lift your mood. Even if you choose an activity different from what you usually do, your brain will produce the same chemicals that will make you feel better and satisfied. In fact, there are studies that claim that exercise can prevent the depression that usually accompanies injury (Hurley et al., 2018).

La importancia de mantenerse activo durante una lesión

Cardiovascular routine for a knee injury

In general, any activity that does not increase your symptoms will be approved by your doctor; Therefore, we give you some ideas for you to try:

1. Cycling

Doing this type of low-impact activity is great for those with knee injuries, as it doesn't put as much pressure on the joints as running or jumping. Also, if you have undergone knee surgery, your physical therapist may recommend riding a bicycle as a recovery method.

It is also very beneficial for people with patellofemoral pain syndrome or runner's knee, a condition that occurs when the kneecap moves out of alignment.

Hacer ciclismo con una lesión de rodilla

2. The elliptical

The elliptical machine is another good low-impact exercise option. If you make your exercise incline, you can work your muscles behind your legs, which are almost always not taken into account in a normal routine.

Qué ejercicios se pueden hacer con una lesión de rodilla

3. Rowing

Believe it or not, when rowing, 60% of the effort is made by your legs, not your upper body.

This activity works wonders for many, but if you feel any pain doing it you should try other options.

Beneficios del remo para una lesión de rodilla

4. Swimming

No matter what you do in the water: any exercise in a pool will help you recover. However, if you recently had an operation, it would be best to wait a while for the wound to heal.

Qué actividades hacer con una lesión de rodilla

How to exercise with a knee injury

The first thing you should do Before starting to exercise it is a warm-up, with this your muscles around your knees will be activated and will take some pressure off the joint.

Another thing to keep in mind is that being sore after a session is normal as it means that you are getting stronger; but if you feel a specific pain, stop immediately what you are doing. Also, if any type of inflammation appears, you may not be prepared for that type of activity.

Cómo hacer ejercicio con una lesión de rodilla


When it comes to an injury, you should treat it seriously, as it can mean a serious problem or a simple one if you treat it carefully enough.

Maintaining an active life even when injured brings many benefits and a great sense of pride. Do not forget not to overexert yourself and always think about the long-term consequences.


  • Hurley, M., Dickson, K., Hallett, R., Grant, R., Hauari, H., Walsh, N.… Oliver, S. (2018). Exercise interventions and patient beliefs for people with hip, knee or hip and knee osteoarthritis: a mixed methods review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. doi: 10.1002 / 14651858.CD010842
  • Messier, SP, Resnik, AE, Beavers, DP, Mihalko, SL, Miller, GD, Nicklas, BJ… Loeser, RF (2018). Intentional Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Is More Better? Arthritis care & research. doi: 10.1002 / acr.23608.
  • Pahor, M., Guralnik, JM, Ambrosius, WT, Blair, S., Bonds, DE, Church, TS… Williamson, JD (2014). Effect of Structured Physical Activity on Prevention of Major Mobility Disability in Older Adults. JAMA . doi: 10.1001 / jama.2014.5616