How to consume protein supplements to gain muscle mass?

Proteins are essential biomolecules for the body and maintain its tissues, skin, hair, nails, internal organs, blood and, of course, muscles. Protein is essential for the composition of hormones and enzymes, substances that serve to carry out the most essential vital functions such as the constitution of antibodies that aim to protect the body.

Proteins are made up of amino acids , smaller molecules that form linear chains. There are a total of 22 types of these minimolecules that make up proteins, both animal and vegetable.

Of these 22 types, the body can create up to 13 of them , and they are called non-essential amino acids, while the rest are obtained through food and protein supplements and are called essential amino acids.

What happens in our body in the absence of protein?

The deficiency of these molecules in the body can cause different symptoms such as:

  • Low resistance to infections.
  • Low energy levels.
  • Slow recovery from injuries.
  • Weakened skin, hair and nails.
  • Low volume of muscle mass.

When the body has low levels of proteins, the body uses those that are already stored, especially that of the muscles in order to prevent damage to other important organs such as the brain or the heart. Said in a simpler way; without protein the body cannot function.

What happens in our body when there is excess protein?

Unlike what happens with fat, proteins do not accumulate in the body, so they must be eliminated, since, otherwise, a variation in metabolism would occur when showing low pH levels. This causes many organs to work excessively with the intention of protecting the body from these changes in pH.

In simple terms, when there are high levels of protein, neuronal functions are affected and respiratory and cardiovascular damage occurs.

How to select the best protein?

As we have mentioned before, proteins are essential molecules when it comes to building tissues in the body, such as muscles. When starting a gym routine, one of the most important tips is to consume more protein to achieve greater muscle volume.

conseguir músculos

These necessary proteins can be obtained through the natural consumption of foods such as fish, meat, poultry, beef, eggs or products with lactose. On the other hand, when it comes to increasing the muscle level and maintaining the muscle achieved later , protein consumption must be increased, so it is best to go to other more effective options, although not so natural that they can be obtained in various establishments, as in the HSN catalog, an online store where you can buy any protein supplement.

Recommendations for taking protein supplements

  • Get plenty of rest , especially when doing high intensity sessions.
  • Get adequate sleep so that the muscles and nervous system can recover in time.
  • Perform a training of all the muscles of the body in order that the figure is compensated.
  • When there is no training, consume less carbohydrates and fats , although the protein level must be maintained.
  • Eat a proper diet with frequent meals avoiding hunger and consequently, muscle loss.
  • Protein supplements should also be taken when not training , as they are necessary to maintain muscle mass.

How to take protein supplements?

In order for muscle mass to increase considerably, you must take at least 2 grams of protein per day per kilo of body weight – it must be taken into account that this measure is only suitable for people who do not exceed 12% of total fat. This amount should be taken between meals and supplements.