How is good cholesterol different from bad?

Whether it's a visit to your doctor, family reunions with grandparents, or a trip to a pharmacy, we hear a lot about cholesterol. We are told that our time spent in sports is important not only for heart health, but also for keeping cholesterol under control. But what exactly is cholesterol, what are the different types, and how can you make sure you have adequate levels of good cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance produced by your body found in foods of animal origin. It is used for a number of vital functions, such as serving as a building block for hormones, helping to form the structure of cells, and producing vitamin D.

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Although the body needs some cholesterol to function, when levels rise too high, deposits can build up in the blood vessels and cause health problems, even for fit athletes. Here we tell you what types of cholesterol you need to know and the steps you can take to ensure you keep the levels in your favor.

What types of cholesterol are there?

Cholesterol acts as a passenger in proteins called "lipoproteins," which serve as bicycle messaging so you can travel from one ZIP code in your body to the next. There are two main types of lipoproteins, and it is important to understand the differences between "good" and "bad" cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is kindly known as "bad" because it is the type that is deposited in the arteries. These cholesterol deposits can build up over time and cause possible blockages. Plaque buildup can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke by reducing blood flow.

The lower your LDL number, the lower your risk . A good goal is less than 130 mg / dL if you don't have atherosclerotic disease or diabetes yet. Keep in mind that LDL levels tend to rise with age, so it is best to monitor levels with fairly frequent blood tests as decades go by.

LDL has a troublesome partner called lipoprotein, or Lp, that seems to really love to stick to our artery walls. Healthy behaviors like eating a nutritious diet seem to have little impact on Lp, which means that it is largely controlled by genetic factors. So you can blame your parents if this type of LDL is a problem for you.

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VLDL cholesterol

Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) is another type of worrisome lipoprotein produced by the liver and released into the blood. The main difference between VLDL and LDL is that they are made up of different percentages of cholesterol, protein, and triglycerides, a form of fat in food. VLDL carries more triglycerides, while LDL contains more cholesterol. So if you eat too many fatty foods, it is absorbed as triglycerides, which can lead to an increase in VLDL.

As with LDL, too much VLDL can be bad news for your body. While VLDL-carried triglycerides are used by cells in the body to generate energy, including what you use for physical exercise, too much can also lead to the accumulation of hard deposits (plaque) in your arteries. VLDL eventually transforms into LDL, so the more VLDL particles in the body, the more LDL the body can produce. There is no simple and straightforward way to measure your VLDL levels , so it is not normally mentioned during a routine exam.

HDL cholesterol

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is considered "good" because it transports cholesterol back to the liver, which then removes it from the body and, in doing so, prevents it from building up like plaque in the arteries.

So you will want to have higher HDL levels, as you will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, and doctors say a good target is 60 mg / dL or more.

All that said, what you need to know is that the numbers alone are not enough to predict your risk for heart problems. Instead, they are a part of a larger equation that includes many other factors, such as age, smoking, and stress. If a person has elevated levels, they can try lifestyle changes for three to six months before rechecking their cholesterol levels.