8 TRX stretches to relax the whole body

TRX has become an excellent training material to exercise the whole body without the need to carry weight. It is true that you can do a wide variety of exercises (a few days ago we explained which ones), but not only will you strengthen your muscles, but you can also use it to stretch. Today we present you the best TRX stretches to improve mobility and reduce muscle tension.

Top 8 TRX stretches

Torso stretch

mujer haciendo estiramientos en TRX

This stretch is difficult to do if we do not have a material that allows adequate mobility to stretch the side of the torso. We put the TRX in the middle position, cross the legs and drop the hip out. Avoid bouncing or sudden movements, remember that we are looking for tension only.

Pectoral stretch

In addition to doing push and pull movements, with the suspended ropes you can perform stretches that open the entire chest. Roll onto your back and fully stretch the TRX strings until you feel the stretch on your chest. Perform a slight twist to stretch the lateral part of the torso.

Buttock Stretch

Hip mobility is one of the big problems in today's society, because we spend a lot of time sitting. This "4" stretch is ideal for stretching the gluteus all the way. Control the position, you do not have to go ahead to avoid falling. The ropes will serve as support to hold the balance.

Hamstring Stretch

This hamstring stretch is one of the most classic. It can be done without TRX, although in this way it can help us to have one more support. It is not about carrying weight in front, but about helping us balance.

Quadriceps stretch

One of the best stretches for quadriceps is the famous yoga camel pose. We know that it is difficult to perform in beginners because it requires great control of the lower back and a deep lengthening of the quadriceps. With the help of the TRX you can stretch as far back as you consider, without being afraid of falling.

Back stretch

Bicep and Shoulder Stretch

Rarely do we stop to stretch the biceps properly. Many of them involve the use of walls to create more tension, but with the TRX we can achieve a deep stretch without much acrobatics. In addition, it is important that you properly stretch your shoulders, since in almost all movements with TRX we need your activity.

Cossack stretch

Cossack squats are difficult to do without the necessary flexibility and strength. With the help of the handles, you can go down deeply, without fear of falling on your back or straining the abductors too much.