How does a diet rich in nitrates affect performance?

Having high levels of nitrates running through your veins is like having a hidden (or not so hidden) engine in your training; you can get more speed and power out of the effort you put in due to the way nitrates can increase blood flow and muscle function.

A diet full of foods rich in this substance, such as beets and green leafy vegetables, can also lower blood pressure and even improve brain function , according to a research review published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. And there is evidence that nitrate can be stored in your muscles, similar to how you store glycogen when you eat carbohydrates, to improve your health and increase performance when you need it.

bocadillo con remolacha y nitratos

How does nitrate work?

When you exercise, the cells in your blood vessels and muscles produce nitric oxide (NO), which widens the blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to reach the working muscles. That effect continues after you've finished your workout and towel-dried yourself, leaving you with a lingering blood pressure-lowering response.

Eating foods high in nitrates can, in turn, increase levels of NO t us; Your body converts the nitrates you eat into nitrites, which are then converted to nitric oxide through a metabolic chain of events. This explains why eating nitrate-rich foods like arugula, spinach, red beets, and celery can lower your blood pressure; you always have enough nitric oxide to keep those vessels open so your blood can circulate freely. This also supports one of the theories as to why the Mediterranean diet is so good for you: it is naturally high in nitrates.

Evidence from animal studies shows that nitrates can be particularly beneficial in improving blood flow and contractions in your fast-twitch fibers, which are the muscle fibers you use to generate large watts.

Like glycogen, nitrate stores are depleted during exercise. Also, like glycogen, the muscle reserve becomes "super compensated" when you eat a high nitrate diet for a few days after a period of deprivation or a low nitrate diet.

Interestingly, the bacteria that live in your mouth are very important players in the nitric oxide production line. Research shows that bacteria allow your body to make the nitrate it needs to relax your blood vessels. In practical terms, that means you should avoid s antibacterial mouthwash unless your dentist has prescribed you one.

bol de espinacas con nitratos

What are the specific benefits to exercise?

Nitrate supplementation has been shown to improve training performance, specifically cycling. In one study, athletes who drank concentrated beet juice (a natural source of nitrates) used about three percent less oxygen, meaning they used less energy to pedal at the same pace, during exercise tests, and extended the time they were able to pedal before fatigue was 12 percent, compared to those who drank a placebo drink.

In general, research shows that nitrate supplementation is more beneficial for moderate athletes (as well as untrained ones), and that elite athletes benefit less because they already produce large amounts of nitric oxide naturally, since physical training increases its capacity for the formation of nitric oxide.

That said, the most recent research shows that nitrate supplementation is most beneficial in situations where oxygen demand exceeds oxygen supply. Thus, less-trained athletes benefit in a wider range of situations, but even highly-trained individuals can benefit when exercising at altitude and / or during very high-intensity exercise , such as sprinting and track cycling.

How much quantity do you need?

Although science continues to investigate, based on the evidence so far, researchers conclude that everyday cyclists can benefit from taking more than 300 mg of nitrate. Although eating a diet rich in this substance on a regular basis is the best way to keep your reserves full and reap the benefits of lowering blood pressure, you can reap performance benefits by taking a large dose before needing a boost.

For reference, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that the following foods are the richest sources of nitrates:

  • Very high :> 250 milligrams per 100 g serving – Arugula, red beets, lettuce (particularly butter leaf), celery, watercress (such as watercress) and spinach.
  • High: 100 to <250 milligrams per 100 g serving: Chinese cabbage, endive, fennel, kohlrabi, leeks, and parsley.
  • Medium: 50 to <100 milligrams per 100 g serving – Cabbage, dill, turnip, kale.