How can I fight cellulite?

More than 90% of women have cellulite or orange peel on their body. The affected areas are usually the thighs, buttocks and hips; it doesn't matter if you are overweight or at your ideal weight. Logically, being overweight or obese increases the level of cellulite, but we can find cases of athletes or models who have small dimples on their skin.

The skin is made up of three layers of fat, but cellulite develops in the most superficial layer: the hypodermis . Orange peel occurs due to impaired circulation that causes an increase in fat cells. This generates a growth of fatty tissue and thickening of the side walls, forming cellulite.

Why do women suffer from it?

As we said before, 90% of girls have cellulite. Unlike men, women are able to accumulate more fat. The female fat is organized in vertical chambers, while the men distribute it in small and diagonal doses; This means that they cannot accumulate so much fat and prevent the formation of cellulite. Hence, very few men suffer from it .

There are stages of a woman's life that are more prone to develop it, for example in puberty, pregnancy and premenopause. It is true that there is also a racial predisposition, with Asian women hardly suffering from it.

Types of cellulite

Knowing the type of cellulite we suffer can help us cope with greater guarantees of success. In this sense, cellulite can be generalized or localized:

  • Generalized cellulite . It only affects obese women who have an unbalanced diet. In adolescence, the first symptoms of cellulite begin to appear, a problem that will increase with age until aesthetic changes occur such as the appearance of dimples in the abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs. This type of cellulite usually comes out between the ages of 16 and 20.

  • Localized cellulite . It is one of the most complicated, because it not only presents an aesthetic problem, but also causes internal pain. In many cases, patients have a feeling of heaviness called the "tired legs syndrome."
    In severe cases, we can come to appreciate significant edema, it can even cause us to have to move. Cellulite can develop in the lower back, abdomen, twins, buttocks, and even the arms.

What can be the cause of its appearance?

Cellulite can appear due to multiple causes such as tobacco abuse, alcohol and coffee consumption, poor diet, being overweight or lack of exercise. What cannot be affirmed is that there is some hereditary factor that favors its presence.

Some of the factors that help its appearance are:

  • Wearing too tight clothes . These hinder venous return and do not allow good circulation.
  • Sedentary life. Not doing any sport worsens the situation. Training activates blood circulation and metabolism of fat cells.
  • Having a bad diet. Following an excessive calorie diet will make us gain weight and increase the appearance of fat cells. Sodium abuse is also another problem, as it causes fluid retention.
  • Stress. Accumulating tension makes circulation difficult and waste cannot be removed.
  • The consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol prevents efficient removal of waste material, and tobacco hinders proper blood circulation.
  • The hormones. The presence of cellulite is related to high levels of estrogens, which leads to fluid retention. Adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, premenstrual syndrome or the use of birth control pills are some situations where hormones have some disorder.

Sport, your ally

The most attractive thing can be to use creams with a cold effect or with a coffee base to eliminate their appearance, but friend … you will be wasting money and your time. Do you want to eliminate or reduce it to a greater degree? Food and sports will be your only weapons . Miracles do not exist and if you are going to continue leading a sedentary life, forget about noticing results.

Do any type of sport that makes you keep your metabolism active. For example, go for a walk every day, run, ride a bike, or nothing . You don't need to be signed up for the gym! If you are, ellipticals , spin classes or resistance bands will be a great help.

Of course, don't forget about the star exercise: squats . You can also add jumping jacks or strides . You should note that you burn your legs and buttocks with each workout, but give yourself time. Training must be continued so that our muscles remain active and deplete fat deposits.