High calorie diet for strict vegans who want to gain muscle

Veganism is a restrictive philosophy but with many health benefits. But can you gain muscle on a plant-based diet? Of course! Today we are talking about what you should take into account to prepare a high calorie diet for vegans if you are looking to develop muscles.

High calorie diet for vegans

If what you want is to gain or develop muscle, it is very important to follow an adequate diet. For vegans it is a bit more difficult, but not impossible, since the diet based on the consumption of vegetables brings with it a caloric deficiency that is essential for bodybuilding. From Healthline they recommend increasing the calorie intake by 10 or 20%; In addition, in terms of protein, eating more is also essential to build muscle: you should consume about 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilo per day.

The big problem facing vegans who want to gain muscle is that most of the calories in a traditional diet are obtained from animal products, something that is prohibited in the principles of veganism. So how can they build muscle? It is very important to plan a high calorie diet for vegans that ensures the consumption of both calories and protein and micronutrients, as well as a proper exercise routine.

La quinoa es uno de los alimentos que puedes agregar a la dieta alta en calorías para veganos

How to follow the high calorie diet for vegans?

This diet must include a considerable and sufficient intake of fats because, through fats, the calories necessary to develop muscle are obtained. The great benefit of fat is that it can provide you with twice the calories, carbohydrates, and protein. It is recommended to consume 1 gram of fat per kilogram per day.

The high-calorie diet for vegans is challenging , as you must eat more calories than your body burns in order to build muscle. Our recommendation, in addition to adding fat to your meals, is that before and after your exercise routine, eat something rich in carbohydrates. For example, pasta. Of course, it is very important to look at the labels of the products as they could contain eggs. However, vegan pasta is easy to find these days.

In addition, it is essential within veganism that you drink a lot of water during the day. In these diets , fiber consumption is enhanced, which can cause stomach discomfort: pain, flatulence, constipation. That is why it is very important that you drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

One thing that works wonders for muscle builders (vegan or not) is protein powder. Taking protein shakes is becoming more and more frequent and helps a lot to gain muscle. But be careful on the vegan diet. The great disadvantage of this is that many times the adequate intake of nutrients is not reached, so these people usually obtain them from other supplements. Therefore, if you are vegan and want to build muscle, we recommend you consult a nutritionist who will indicate the vegan supplements that you can consume daily.

The best deals we've found to buy vegan protein powder supplements

What foods to consume?

We present a small list of foods that you should include in your vegan diet if you are looking to gain muscle:


Peanuts are a valuable source of protein, calories, and healthy fats. Without a doubt, they are a good ally if you are looking to build muscle. But not only natural peanuts, but also peanut butter, a rare superfood in our country. Peanut butter is an ideal side dish because it can be eaten, for example, on vegan bread or as a complement to a bowl of oatmeal. The best thing is that a tablespoon of peanut butter has about 100 calories.

However, not all peanut butter is valid. You should get one that is not in the candy section of the supermarket, as they have a lot of sugar. We recommend looking for one without sugar and labeled as being rich in protein.


Avocado is also an excellent ally in the high calorie diet for vegans. Avocado is rich in good fats (30 grams per piece) and is very caloric, since a whole avocado has about 322 calories and 13.5 grams of fiber. Additionally, avocados are rich in micronutrients such as vitamin C and potassium. The best thing is that avocados are very versatile to eat: as an accompaniment to a main dish, on toast or in the morning smoothie.

Olive oil

Olive oil is the king of traditional Spanish cuisine. How could it be otherwise, within the caloric vegan diet, it plays a very important role. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats that increase good cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and improve blood sugar. For the vegan diet to gain muscle, it is essential: a tablespoon contains 119 calories and 13.5 grams of fat. The best way to consume it? As a dressing in your salads or on toast, Andalusian style.

El aceite de oliva es rico en calorías

Quinoa and rice

Quinoa and rice are great companions for those looking to build muscle. Quinoa is rich in protein and fiber; In calories it is not far behind: 185 grams of quinoa can provide you with about 222 calories! In addition, quinoa is rich in magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. As for rice, it is rich in carbohydrates (you can eat a bowl after training so that the muscle recovers) and helps to gain muscle. A single cup of rice can provide you with 216 calories.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is not very common in the Mediterranean diet, but we invite you to include it in your eating plan. One tablespoon can give you 116 calories! The best thing is that it is very easy to consume: just use it for cooking or in salad. In addition, coconut oil is very good for your health: it improves cholesterol levels and is good for the brain.