Hatha Yoga: lose weight with these poses

If the different styles of yoga were layers, Hatha yoga would be the foundation. The stress-busting meditative practice focuses on many of the basic yoga poses, making it a perfect introduction for beginners.

But experienced yogis can also benefit. Depending on the yoga instructor and studio you go to, Hatha yoga classes can range from a steady flow to a slow, gentle class.

mujer haciendo hatha yoga

What is Hatha Yoga?

It is a general term for physical practice, so other types of yoga, such as Ashtanga and Vinyasa, are all forms of Hatha yoga.

Hatha in Sanskrit is a combination of ha (sun) and tha (moon), and represents the union of two opposites. This yoga is filled with a series of physical postures, or asanas, that strengthen the body and improve flexibility. It also enables practitioners to discover something deeper within themselves by creating balance and uniting opposites not only in physical practice, but also in their hearts and minds.

The beauty of Hatha is that through the eight branches of yoga , each individual is receiving their own unique remedy for something they need in their own life at that time. Those eight branches of yogas are the principles of yoga for living a purposeful life, found in the yoga guide, Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, by sage Sri Swami Satchidananda. They are:

  • Yama (moderation)
  • Niyama (observance)
  • Asana (posture)
  • Pranayama (breath control)
  • Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses from your objects)
  • Dharana (concentration)
  • Dhyana (meditation)
  • Samadhi (contemplation)

What makes Hatha stand out is that it teaches you how to apply the principles of yoga in daily life. For example, using your pranayama to do asanas helps strengthen the connection between the body and the breath and trains you to sit quietly.

Balance is very difficult to achieve in our fast-paced culture. That said, many of the postures you'll find in Hatha yoga involve balancing and slow transitions between postures to really emphasize the breath.

mujer haciendo el perro cabeza abajo en hatha yoga

What benefits does it bring?

May improve mobility and range of motion

Practicing yoga regularly can increase flexibility and energy, improve muscle strength and tone, and promote better breathing and weight loss. And because many of the yoga poses in Hatha involve gradually moving from a sitting position to a standing position, you'll also be working on your range of motion and joint mobility.

In fact, a May 2012 randomized controlled trial in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which included 250 participants with osteoarthritis in the knee joints, found that those who did Hatha yoga in addition to pain management saw more improvements in gait and range of motion of the knee than those who performed therapeutic exercises after pain management.

It can improve your flexibility

You will also perform poses that incorporate the muscles and limbs of your upper and lower body, so you will develop greater body awareness and learn to move with more attention, which can promote good posture and flexibility. This is particularly useful for people with stiff joints, as well as athletes who want to improve their performance.

A June 2015 study in Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine, which included 154 middle-aged Chinese adults, found that after 12 weeks of Hatha yoga, participants improved their flexibility and muscular strength and endurance.

Helps manage stress

One of the things you'll quickly learn in Hatha yoga is that your breathing helps you not only transition between poses, but conscious breathing helps you perform new and difficult poses. This can easily translate to life off the mat. When you're going through stressful times, focusing on your breathing can help ease your mind.

May promote weight loss

Hatha yoga practice can help you lose weight. There are many benefits to doing it regularly, but the most notable benefit may be long-term weight loss.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, just 30 minutes can burn between 120 and 178 calories , depending on your weight.

Still, hatha yoga doesn't have the same calorie-burning power as cardio workouts. To lose weight, it is best to complement your Hatha yoga practice with regular activities such as walking, running, cycling or swimming and a healthy calorie-controlled diet.