Good reasons why you shouldn't share your makeup

You can share your secrets, your hopes and your dreams with your friends… But there is something you should never, never do: share your makeup. Dermatologists advise that you should never share your makeup because using someone else’s cosmetics can lead to unhealthy exchange of germs . Makeup brushes and applicators can easily move bacteria from person to person, and small, moist, dark containers allow such germs to flourish.

In particular, you should never share lip and eye products, as they come in frequent contact with the areas of the body that are most easily infected. If you share your makeup you can develop an infection such as dermatitis. Haven’t we convinced you yet? Here we tell you five more reasons.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t share your makeup

Makeup can collect bacteria at any time

Makeup is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Everything from its wet formula to dark containers can help germs breed. Even when not in use, they could still be collecting bacteria. Fungus spores are everywhere, and they could be infecting your makeup. Even though many water-based makeup products are packed with bacteria-fighting preservatives, heal yourself by removing makeup from damp areas (like a bathroom) and closing each product properly.

Sharing your eye makeup can lead to pink eye

The eyes are one of the most delicate features of your face, and they also contain a large amount of “custom” bacteria that are best not transferred to other people’s eyes. Sharing mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner can lead to a serious eye infection : conjunctivitis, warts, styes, and other bacterial accumulations. Also, this is especially true for those who wear contact lenses as bacteria can get trapped behind the lens.

Buenas razones por las que no deberías compartir tu maquillaje

Borrowed lipsticks can spread cold sores

Keep cold sores at bay by keeping your lip colors to yourself. Even if at first glance your friend does not have any irritation, her lipstick could still carry the virus that causes them (since there are people who carry it without knowing it and do not develop it). To make matters worse, herpes is a disease that cannot be cured, so you better not risk catching it.

It can make your acne worse

Acne may not be contagious, but it is definitely best not to risk it. Using someone else’s brushes or foundation can spread acne-causing bacteria . Because basically, if you share your makeup with someone who has acne, that acne, oils, and bacteria from someone else are touching your face. And that may not be good for your skin, since if you have open pores, they can become infected. Do yourself (and your skin) a favor by staying away from other people’s makeup.

You don’t know what if the person who lends it to you keeps it in hygienic conditions

While you may be used to cleaning your makeup brushes and applicators frequently, your best friend, sister, or coworker may not have that good habit. And therefore your makeup may be contaminated. In addition, the hands are great carriers of bacteria and if they use them to apply their makeup products, when you put it on, you will come into contact with them.