Eating Broccoli has all these benefits for your health

One of the vegetables with the most health benefits is broccoli. This food is a plant of the cruciferous family, the same as Brussels sprouts, romanesco and cauliflower. It contains important nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

The consumption of this food is undervalued, but the truth is that it provides many benefits, including the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Do you want to know more benefits of broccoli for health? You will surely be surprised because it has countless benefits for the body when consumed, especially raw or steamed.

Nutritional values of broccoli

Broccoli has no cholesterol, nor does it contain fat. It contains a large amount of fiber and protein. Exactly, a small plate of broccoli equals 31 calories, but it provides 6 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of protein and 2 g of fiber. The same amount of this vegetable contains small amounts of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, A, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. It also provides 6% of the phosphorus required daily, 5% and 4% of calcium and iron respectively, and 10% of potassium and magnesium.

In addition, this vegetable includes phytochemicals, many of these fight cancer, such as isothiocyanates, which have an antioxidant function and enhance enzymes dedicated to detoxifying the body. It can reduce the risk of breast cancer in many women, as long as the food is eaten raw.

Cervical and Stomach Cancer and Broccoli Sprouts

Eating foods high in sulforaphane, such as broccoli sprouts, is linked to a lower chance of cervical cancer. Broccoli sprouts help eliminate carcinogens and harmful toxins, favoring the protection of cancer tissues.

This vegetable is also recommended to reduce the chances of stomach cancer, since sulforaphane kills the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

valor nutricional del brócoli

Prostate cancer and broccoli

Broccoli is a very powerful vegetable that helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer; men who eat just the right portion of broccoli weekly tend to reduce their chances of developing this cancer by 45%.

Broccoli is one of the vegetables with the most properties to prevent prostate cancer, yes, it is necessary to eat it raw to have its effects, since this food has much more power when it is not cooked. If the broccoli is cooked, reduce its amount of sulforaphane by about 90%.

Other benefits of broccoli

We have mentioned the most important benefits of broccoli, but it also has other health benefits that are noteworthy.

Detoxifies the body

Broccoli has antioxidant power to destroy free radicals, uric acid, free radicals and purify the skin and blood.

Prevents cancer

As mentioned before, consuming raw broccoli prevents cancer of the prostate, stomach, and uterus, but it also has special power to reduce the chances of cancer of internal organs, such as the intestines, colon, kidneys, and liver. Its anticancer capacity is complemented by its high levels of amino acids, zinc, potassium and vitamin A, CY E.

Improves skin

As it has antioxidant power and is rich in vitamins A, B, E and K, and omega-3 fatty acids , this vegetable strengthens the skin so that it looks much brighter, younger, smooth and attractive.

Help the heart

Consuming this vegetable is also an incentive to reduce bad cholesterol in the body , thanks to its aforementioned properties and its high fiber content. In short, it helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and protect the heart. As it also includes chromium, it controls high blood pressure since this mineral regulates glucose in the blood.

beneficios del brócoli

Protects bone mass

Because it contains high levels of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium , eating this food is perfect for keeping your bones strong and healthy. That is why many pregnant women and adults have to consume it.

Prevents vision damage

Due to its high content of beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and vitamin A, this vegetable is a very good option to protect vision as it reduces macular degeneration, UV radiation damage and cataracts.

Defend the immune system

Broccoli contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other minerals and vitamins that help strengthen the immune system.

Reduces the possibility of anemia

Broccoli contains protein and iron , which is why it is considered a perfect food to prevent anemia.

Helps prevent colds and constipation

Thanks to its high fiber content, this vegetable helps prevent stomach ailments such as inflammation and heartburn, while improving digestion.