BCAAs What are they and how can they help you progress?

A good workout doesn’t just depend on a demanding exercise routine. Proper nutrition and the consumption of supplements will allow the use and progress of the muscles, generating positive results in the body. One of the most important and most used nutritional supplements among athletes is branched chain amino acids. Known by its abbreviation as AACR or also in its acronym in English BCAAs.

Branched Chain Amino Acids ( BCAAs ) are coming to the fore with the global fitness movement. They were usually consumed by bodybuilders and high performance athletes. At present, it has become consumed by most athletes and sportsmen of all levels and ages.

They are regularly consumed as a separate powder diluted in any drink or in pills, either before, during and / or after training.

The so-called BCCAs are called essential nutrients for those who seek to gain muscle mass . Also, specialists in body analysis recommend it to people who want to lose body fat without losing muscle. As they contribute to muscle maintenance against muscle catabolism.

It must be taken into account when starting to consume nutritional supplements, that their consumption cannot be indiscriminately. For this, a prior consultation with a specialist is necessary, to know the conditions of the body and the recommended doses.

How and when to consume BCAAs?

Undoubtedly, there are many supplements available on the market and many of them are sold without any type of prescription from doctors. The so-called whey proteins or creatines are favorites by athletes and sportsmen of various disciplines. Athletes who, in many cases, add branched-chain amino acids to this combination, promoting muscle growth. Now, BCAAs, as supplements, must be consumed with care and are intended for very specific cases. Mainly athletes.

When we do a workout, muscle degradation (catabolism) occurs, especially when it is at high intensities. Thus, for the protection of our muscles against this process, both during exercise and afterwards, it is highly advisable to ingest an optimal amount of BCAAs. These amino acids will help us significantly in recovery time.

Now, not all amino acids are the same . We could differentiate branched or branched chain amino acids. Integrated by Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. These types of components do not act as “building blocks” of muscle, but rather as signaling agents for the initiation of protein synthesis.

Therefore, amino acids are of great importance for the recovery of muscle loss. Its importance lies in building muscle, which is essential for our daily activity.

To build healthy, healthy muscle, the body’s rate of protein synthesis must exceed the rate of protein breakdown. Now, when the opposite happens, muscle loss occurs. Reason why we must monitor our diet and quality calorie intake.


Benefits of BCAAs

Consuming amino acids when exercising brings many benefits, not only to the body but also to health. One of the benefits of these supplements is that they promote protein synthesis and prevent muscle catabolism. Process that occurs when the body feeds on its own muscle tissues due to overtraining.

Also the consumption of BCAAs helps the preservation of glycogen, or contained energy of the muscles. The preservation of this energy is essential since it works as fuel for the functioning of our musculoskeletal structure.

When we practice sports or undergo exercise routines, it is necessary to consume supplements that help us recover all the lost energy. For that, the amino acid chains make it possible to improve both aerobic and anaerobic activities.

Likewise, it is no secret to anyone that training is synonymous with exhaustion. Faced with this reality, the adequate consumption of BCAAs contributes to the recovery of the body after training, considerably reducing symptoms such as muscle pain.

The immune system is another that benefits from the consumption of these types of supplements. They increase the endogenous production of glutamine, which is an important non-essential amino acid.

Can i use them?

As we have already highlighted, the consumption of amino acid chains can be done in a responsible way and in case you really need it. If your condition is that of an athlete or perhaps a person who trains to maintain themselves, BCAAs are very important.

If the intention is to gain muscle mass or lose fat without losing muscles, do not hesitate to take this type of supplement since its benefits are surprising.

BCAAs are very important for people between the ages of 20-45 years, to increase the amount of muscle. At younger ages the consumption of sports supplements is not advisable.