Do you wonder if it is possible to unify TRX and Pilates?

TRX and Pilates are two sports disciplines that by themselves will help you get in shape, but if you dare to exercise together in the same training, this will truly become a challenge for your body. Today we explain how you can combine suspension work and Pilates in the same training.

What is TRX training?

TRX is a suspension training method where the muscles of the body are worked in an integral way and with their own body weight, that is, in self-loading.

To be able to work in suspension, you need a nylon hook, which bifurcates into two handles in which you can place your feet or grip with your hands to vary the execution of the exercises.

The TRX is a sports implement that can be used anywhere , since its anchor can be adapted and placed in numerous places such as a door, allowing exercise to accompany you anywhere.

Some of the benefits of working in suspension with a TRX are:

  • You will be able to work the mobility, coordination, flexibility and strength of your muscles.
  • The exercises can be adapted to any level . You will only have to move your body closer or further away from the support base to add or decrease the intensity of the exercise.
  • It can help you work the compensatory muscles that can hardly be worked with weights. In addition, it is widely used by physiotherapists or health professionals to rehabilitate or recover injuries, taking advantage of the low impact it produces on your joints.
Entrenamiento en suspensión

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a sport that has its origins in the early twentieth century. It was created by Joseph Pilates who first used it to treat imbalances in the body of his patients and help them improve their tone and postural hygiene.

This training method combines strength, postural control and joint mobility to work the muscles at a general level, giving greater importance to what Pilates called the Powerhouse, what we know today as core .

Among the benefits that the Pilates method can provide are:

  • It is used to correct or improve the postural control of your body.
  • It helps you to have a better awareness of the breath.
  • Improves the range of motion or ROM of the joints.
  • Helps improve strength .
  • It is ideal to work decompensations or injuries of the musculature, since the exercises are carried out in a controlled way.

Is it possible to unify TRX and Pilates in the same workout?

In recent years, we have been able to observe a training trend growing that combines the best of suspension training and Pilates. This discipline is called Pilates in suspension.

The Pilates in suspension includes the basic Pilates exercises that used to be performed on the floor, but this time, executed in suspension with the help of a TRX .

When trx and Pilates are combined, a new sporting discipline arises that is a challenge for any musculature, since you will need great concentration, stability, coordination and strength to be able to carry out each exercise that you want to do. In addition, the wide variety of exercises that can be performed, make this new discipline a fun and attractive practice that will put the muscles of your entire body to the test.