Discover how to prepare your skin for outdoor sports in winter

When winter arrives, those who have a true passion for sports do not hide and continue to go out into the open air to get active and give their best. But, as at any other time of the year, they must protect their body . Of course, each season has its characteristics; therefore, they must use different tricks in each of them, taking into account each of the factors that it has. Do you want to know how to prepare your skin for outdoor sports in winter? It is one of the organs that suffers the most in the cold months. In this way, throughout this article we are going to propose several tips so that you always feel good both inside and out .

Skin risks in winter sports

The factors that influence our skin throughout the winter when we go out to do sports are the following: cold, sun exposure and wind .


Low temperatures cause both dehydration and dryness in our body. In this way, when the cold is prolonged and, in addition, intense, the body copes with these circumstances by accelerating the metabolism . This is how it compensates for heat loss.

However, when the weather is extreme , such as when there is frost, the body, alone, cannot generate all the heat it needs to ensure its proper functioning . It is in these cases when hypothermia can occur. The parts of the body that are most affected by cold are the lips, ears, skin, hands, feet and nose .

Solar exposition

People are curious to think that the sun, which is felt less strongly in the colder months of the year, can damage the skin in winter . Although the heat that it transmits to us is not the same, sun exposure is just as harmful as in the summer season.

This is due to factors such as altitude, humidity, snow, pollution, and lack of protection . What’s more, when we do sports in winter, the eyes and lips become the most sensitive areas in front of the star king , since they are the most exposed in these circumstances.

In this way, the direct consequences when the sun hits us without protection are burns and keratoconjunctivitis (a type of eye inflammation). On the lips, specifically, bleeding, cracks or herpes may appear.


On the other hand, it should be noted that the skin has a protective layer that is intended to maintain the body’s temperature. However, when there is wind the layer is reduced and, for this reason, the heat disappears at a higher speed . The effects that the wind can cause on our complexion are a cracked and dry appearance, and a feeling of rigidity .

Preparar la piel para hacer deporte al aire libre en invierno

How to prepare your skin for outdoor sports in winter

Taking all of the above into account, do you know how to prepare your skin for outdoor sports in winter ? It’s easy, you just have to follow a routine that, at first, may cost you, but when you are aware of the results, you will carry it out without the slightest of problems.

Use sunscreen

How could it be otherwise, sunscreen is essential . It is a mistake to think that it is only necessary in summer, when we must always protect ourselves from the star king. On the other hand, after playing sports it is important that we wash our face to remove any remains of lotion that may have remained. Next, it is highly recommended to use a facial moisturizer .

Protect hands

It is a part of the body that we tend to forget, when it suffers a lot during the coldest months of the year . Ideally, use gloves whenever the sport we are going to do allows us to. At the end of the physical activity, it is necessary to wash our hands and then apply a moisturizing cream with a small massage.

Take care of feet

Of course, you can not use any type of footwear for sports in winter. It has to be a specific one to protect us from the cold . Therefore, it is important to invest in it what is necessary in order not to feel tired feet, even frozen, during the winter season. When we return home, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream with clean feet . Moreover, if we have a bottle at home, it is also a good option to give us a gel for tired feet .

Use lip balm

It is the typical product known to all but used only by a few. We recommend that the cocoa you choose also boasts sun protection . It is recommended to apply it throughout the day frequently. Another solution to avoid this type of problem is to hydrate constantly, with water or isotonic drinks , for example. We will notice the effect on the whole organism.

Wearing sunglasses

Sunglasses are also necessary every time we do sports outdoors . We will protect one of the most important senses we have.