Decorating the house can also be healthy with ecological wallpapers

We spend many hours at home, absorbing all kinds of substances that remain in the air , and without being aware of it. And this happens whether your walls are decorated with paint or if they are decorated with wallpaper. In both cases, certain substances are released that can be harmful to your health . Hence, the sector has opted for ecological wallpapers , which are a type of healthy and ecological wallpaper, respectful with the environment and with the health of the tenants.

What pollutants do non-green wallpapers have?

To understand the volume of polluting substances present in non-environmentally friendly wallpapers, you need to know the manufacturing process. This is based on the lamination of several layers .

What unites these layers are glues and lacquers , which if they are not 100% ecological, will contain substances that are harmful to human health, such as plastics, aggressive substances, etc.

papeles pintados ecológicos

Similarly, the visible layer of wallpaper is often printed, refined or coated using aluminum foil and plastics, to which enamels and other elements can easily be added to achieve an oxidizing and fire resistant effect. All this is made up of chemical substances that, in small doses and in open environments, do not generate major problems; but not so in closed spaces like homes .

Pollutants present in non-ecological wallpapers

Next, we are going to detail which are specifically those elements that are harmful to health present in paints and wallpapers that do not comply with ecological regulations .

  • Low volatile plasticizers, which are used mainly in plastic or foam coatings. They directly affect the hormonal system.
  • Adhesives , which are glues, that can cause allergies.
  • Formaldehyde Its function is to increase the stability of the compound, but its continuous inhalation can cause persistent headaches, skin irritations, increased mucus or problems in the respiratory system.
  • Organotin compounds , used to increase the resistance of the material to the sun and heat, but precisely these release and become a problem for the immune system and hormonal control.

Consequences of using these materials in interior decoration

When these substances are present in our homes continuously, our body ingests these particles that can generate pathologies of varying severity.

Among the most common are allergies and skin irritations . However, symptoms can worsen with nausea, habitual and persistent headaches, breathing problems (including asthma attacks), among others.

Plasticizers, meanwhile, have been shown to be an activator of cancer cells.

Ecological wallpapers: the example of “Veruso Lino”

What options does the market provide? How to decorate your home or gym without damaging your health? Various ecological textile and wallpaper companies have opted for new ways of manufacturing decorative papers, prioritizing not only the use of natural raw materials but also processes that do not require polluting substances that are harmful to the body .

An ecological, sustainable and healthy wallpaper

Is it possible to get a wallpaper that, cycle after cycle, can be used again ? That’s how it is. company has patented a 100% healthy ecological wallpaper , based on the biological cycle method. The Veruso Lino wallpaper model breaks down at the end of its use , once again becoming a raw material that can be used for other products.

This is possible thanks to its 100% compostable composition, based on flax. Flax does not require large amounts of water to produce it, and it causes little waste . Linen is one of the most suitable textile fibers for wallpaper, since they are bactericidal, which means that when they are used they do not release any harmful components for the human habitat.

To adhere to the wall, this eco-friendly linen wallpaper uses viscose, a natural material that acts as a glue. This viscose is produced from woods from sustainably managed forests with FSC certification. Viscose is a textile fiber obtained through open-air industrial production, which minimizes the impact on the environment.

uso papel pintado no contaminante

An innovative method

The manufacture of Veruso Lino wallpaper uses a production method based on needle filtration, combined with hydro-interlacing processes. This system is the one that does not require conventional adhesives, which, as we have seen, can be detrimental to the health of inhabited spaces.

In the case of homes, it improves the spaces dedicated to practicing sports and training at home.

In his case, to older, add the fact that he does not use artificial dyes. The paper itself has a warm natural hue, with visible plant fibers that create delicate shapes.

How does this wallpaper help the health of the rooms and, by extension, of their inhabitants?

In addition to being a noise insulator , it is also a natural thermal insulator , lighter than other industrial insulators. In fact, it acts as a heat store, making rooms more comfortable with less energy consumption.

Its benefits do not stop there. Like any other plant fiber, it absorbs moisture from the room, thereby performing a regulating function.

This type of 100% compostable and ecological articles do not have any health risk.