Tips to take care of your health from the age of 60

Reaching 60 is synonymous with entering a beautiful time: young enough to enjoy life, but old enough to start thinking about quitting work. Starting this decade, you may start to leave work life behind and have more time to dedicate to yourself. Although all change can be exciting and scary, what better time to start working on a healthier and more vital “new you” than in this new phase of your life? With these tips to take care of your health from the age of 60 you can make your old age synonymous with achieving a long life of health and happiness.

6 tips to take care of your health from the age of 60 and start enjoying like never before

Get healthy habits

Do not think that by the simple fact of having entered early old age, all the fish is already sold and there is nothing to do in the face of the imminent ailments. Even if you have not taken care of yourself much throughout your life, the changes you make now to take care of your health from the age of 60 can significantly improve your physical condition and reverse some of the damage that the years of unconscious youth have done you.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they reach these ages is to think that it is “too late” for them, but nothing could be further from the truth. Healthy habits like keeping your weight in check, changing your diet to eat healthier, exercising at least 2.5 hours a week, and not smoking improve health and longevity prospects at any age.

Consejos para cuidar tu salud a partir de los 60 años

Get used to understanding your treatments and medications

Upon reaching maturity, the first signs of physical decline of the body begin and it is necessary to start taking medications to regulate blood pressure or cholesterol, strengthen bones, etc. Not understanding your medications and treatments can increase the risk of death in the long term , and studies have shown that patients who do not ask questions or understand their medical conditions or drug management are at increased risk of complications and death.

To prevent this from happening, the ideal is to hire a good health insurance such as Adeslas Medical Insurance, which guarantees you care both in consultation and by phone to resolve possible doubts and have coverage and peace of mind against any possible medical complication.

Start taking doctor visits seriously

By now, you should be used to regular checkups to rule out serious illnesses like cancer. And, if you are not, to take care of your health from the age of 60 it is essential that you start doing it. Make sure you get everything checked for any conditions early and treated with the highest success rate . The Adeslas medical insurance will allow you to perform the analytical and complementary tests -radiographs, cytologies, scans, resonances- necessary to rule out the most common diseases that are usually detected from this stage.

Exercises the brain and memory

The brain likes to have something to decipher, make new connections, learn, and ultimately keep busy. Avoid falling into an excessive routine when you retire and keep your brain working so that it does not lose qualities . From reading to signing up for language classes to using specific applications to improve memory, you must keep your brain in constant intellectual stimulation. In addition to having fun and staying young, this will help you slow down the effects of senile dementia or Alzheimer’s , in case you are unlucky enough to suffer from them in the future.

Don’t neglect social life

Going from an active work environment where you interact with others throughout the day to being at home all day can be a huge social change, and not always for the better. Social contact can improve health because interacting with people helps you manage emotions, stress, and maintain good habits. Therefore, to take care of your health from the age of 60, it is vital that you make plans to go out and be with people regularly.

Get old happy, that’s not bad

In this culture of body worship and materialism in which we live, youth is exalted above all things, and reaching old age can be a major setback for some people who refuse to abandon “their good years .” But this is a mistake, because old age is as good a time as any to enjoy life, and it should not be faced with fear.

Studies show that if you develop a positive attitude towards aging it extends your life up to 7 years . Having a positive attitude affects the way your body deals with stress and the way it affects your behaviors, so it is worth dedicating some thought to the positive aspects of aging such as a greater life experience, more leisure and have more time for your own spiritual growth.