Hydration in sport Is just water enough?

When we think of hydration , the first thing that comes to mind is water, we think that just drinking this liquid is enough for our body. This may be true in some cases, but the reality is that depending on the sports activity you do, one or the other will be the hydration you need .

Every day we lose fluid from our body , both through sweat, urine, feces, breath and tears. For this reason, it must be replaced by the water intake. The objective is very simple: to be healthy, since water gives life to cells, tissues and organs . The body maintains its temperature, removes waste, and lubricates the joints.

It must be borne in mind that the hydration that should be given to a child or an elderly person is not the same as that which a high-level athlete must take , since, due to physical demands, they lose much more than water from her body.

In a consensus published on the portal of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine (Femede) on the drinks that athletes should drink , it is indicated that these will depend on individual physiological conditions . Also, the type of sport practiced, the time of the season, the training and the competition period.

Dehydration results in lower performance

Being dehydrated causes the body’s thermoregulatory capacity to lower exercise resistance by 2% . This is due to the presence of cramps and dizziness. Up to 6% of muscle strength can be lost, making the athlete more prone to contractures and heat stroke.

La importancia de la hidratación en el deporte

On the other hand, among the sports that present a higher rate of dehydration is cycling . The reason is that when cycling the sweat evaporates and there is no clear idea of the amount of fluid lost by the athlete.

Electrolytes and carbohydrates

When we sweat we not only lose water, but also a series of minerals essential for the body. Therefore, electrolytes must be replenished after exercise by drinking beverages that contain them.

In a natural way we can drink milk , due to its sodium and potassium content; orange and tomato juice ; and also commercial drinks that seek to make up for these deficiencies. However, we will return the lost fluids to the body.

Femede recommends sodium ion as the only electrolyte that, when added to commercial waters taken by athletes, brings physiological benefits. The same is true of carbohydrates, which maintain blood glucose levels.

Hydration is necessary before, during and after exercise

Here are some tips on how to hydrate when you go to exercise.


Four hours before exercise it is advisable to slowly drink 5 to 7 ml of water per kilogram of weight . It should be noted that drinks with sodium and foods with enough salt will help you to be more thirsty and retain the fluids consumed.

If you are in a very hot and humid environment, drinking half a liter of liquid with mineral salts during the hour before the start of the activity is ideal. If the exercise to be performed is going to last more than an hour, it is necessary to add carbohydrates to the drink.


Half an hour after starting the activity, it is necessary to compensate for the loss of fluids . An hour later, this fact is essential.

Also, take between 6 and 8 milliliters of fluid per kilogram of weight and hour of exercise . It is necessary to point out that the ideal temperature of the liquids should oscillate between 15 and 21 degrees.


Hydration should be started immediately after the end of the exercise. It is recommended to ingest at least 150% of the weight loss in the first 6 hours after the activity in order to replace the liquid eliminated by sweat and urine. The rehydration drinks that we drink after doing sports should contain sodium and carbohydrates.

Tips to hydrate the body

The first tip to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of water . The human body is mainly made up of water, so when it is lost, we have to replace it to stay hydrated and in good shape. The amount that we should consume of water for the proper functioning of the organism would be a minimum of two liters of water per day .

Another option is to have various drinks . In addition to water, we can drink infusions, soft drinks, juices, dairy or vegetable drinks, among others. In the variety is the spice.

Likewise, we can consume food with water . Drinking water is not the only way to hydrate ourselves. It is also drunk and eaten. For this reason, we can provide our body with water through fruits and vegetables .

It is important to avoid alcohol . Alcoholic beverages cause dehydration as they have a diuretic effect. The same is true of caffeine . Coffee, tea, and soft drinks can also dry out the body. Lastly, avoid salt . Apart from making you very thirsty, too much salt can cause hypertension and heart problems.