Carbohydrate Loading What is it and how to do it correctly?

A carbohydrate-loading diet is a strategy to increase the amount of energy stored in the muscles and improve athletic performance in endurance sessions.

Carbohydrate loading is the result of continuing to eat a high-carbohydrate “training diet,” but instead of following the same level of training , the level of activity is reduced.

Any physical activity requires carbohydrates for fuel. For most recreational activities, the body uses existing energy stores as fuel. But when you do long and intense workouts or competitions, your body needs extra energy to keep going. The goal of carb loading is to give you the energy you need to complete a resistance workout or session with less fatigue and better performance.

Carbohydrate loading is most beneficial in an endurance athlete , such as a marathon runner, swimmer, or cyclist, and you are preparing for a workout or competition that will last 90 minutes or more. Generally other athletes do not need carbohydrate loading. It is enough to get half or more of your calories from carbohydrates.

The role of carbohydrates in our body

Carbohydrates , also known as starches and sugars, are the body’s main source of energy . Complex carbohydrates include legumes, grains, and starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, peas, and corn. Simple carbohydrates are found mainly in fruits and milk, as well as foods made with sugar, such as sweets.

resistencia con carga de carbohidratos

During digestion, the body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar. Sugar enters the bloodstream, where it is then transferred to individual cells to provide energy. Sugar is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen , its main source of energy.

Increase energy storage

Normally, the muscles store only small amounts of glycogen, enough for the daily routine. In case of intense exercise, the muscles can run out of glycogen. At that point, fatigue may appear and performance drops.

With carbohydrate loading it is possible to store more energy in the muscles to obtain the necessary resistance and to cope with intense workouts and competitions. During the sessions the intake of energy foods is also required.

Carbohydrate loading occurs the week prior to high-endurance activity

Three to four days before competition, carbohydrate intake should increase to 10-12 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight (70% of daily calories consumed). Foods that are higher in fat need to be cut back to compensate for additional carbohydrate-rich foods.

Training should be reduced and rest the day before the competition. The combination of eating more carbohydrates and decreasing activity will improve muscle glycogen stores.

The amount of carbohydrates needed depends on the total number of calories and the sport. For most athletes, 5 to 7 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight per day is adequate for general training. However, endurance athletes may need up to 12 grams per kilogram.