11 natural remedies for a sore throat

Having a sore throat can lead to more anxiety these days, but it doesn’t always warrant a visit to the doctor’s office. Sore throats can accompany many different non-emergency conditions, such as the common cold, seasonal allergies, acid reflux, or just dry air.

Still, they can be painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are several things you can do at home that can help relieve pain without medication or antibiotics.

Natural remedies for a sore throat

Gargle with salt water

A salt water gargle should always be your first way out of a sore throat. They are really wonderful at removing mucus, viruses, and bacteria. It is like a physical irrigation to help eliminate pathogens that may be causing a sore throat, as well as a way to relieve inflammation.

In fact, gargling salt water has been found to help reduce viral load in people with upper respiratory infections, according to a study conducted in August 2020. In fact, the study found that gargling within 48 hours hours after the onset of symptoms reduced the average duration of a viral illness by almost two days.

To gargle with salt water, mix a cup of warm water with half a teaspoon of salt. Take a sip, then gargle with the mixture for four to five seconds before spitting it out. Repeat until the cup of salt water is gone.

You can use regular table salt, which can clean up debris and kill bacteria and viruses. You want the liquid to be a little cloudy, but not too salty to make it uncomfortable and make you nauseous.

Try nasal irrigation

Nasal irrigations are incredibly useful in helping to clear the respiratory tract and can be used as often as needed, as long as you use the correct concentration of solution.

Both commercial seawater and saline solutions are helpful in cleaning the nasal passages as well as promoting the recovery of respiratory tract tissue, according to a study published in November 2015.

There are a few different types of nasal irrigation systems that can be used, but the key is that you have to use an irrigation solution and not just a humidifying spray.

When using any type of nasal irrigation, the most important thing to note is that tap water can never be used and only the solution that is included with the nasal irrigation device is used. Tap water runs the risk of introducing potentially dangerous organisms, such as bacteria and amoebae, into the nasal passages.

Drink water

If you have a sore throat, one of the first remedies to look for is old-fashioned water. Drinking enough water when you have a sore throat is especially important because the more water you drink, the more mucus and saliva you produce, which lines your throat and respiratory tract.

Hydration is very important.

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Take a tablespoon of honey

Honey is an effective home remedy for a sore throat because it acts as an antiseptic, which means that it stops or slows the growth of germs.

In fact, adding honey on sick days can help improve symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. It can also cover the back of the throat to provide some relief. To use honey for a sore throat, you can take a tablespoon on its own or mix it with a warm drink.

You don’t want to dilute it too much if you’re trying to cover your throat, so she recommends taking a teaspoon alone. Honey in tea can also be very relaxing.

You can also increase the power by combining it with the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of ginger and garlic.

Drink warm tea

Drinking hot liquids like tea can help soothe a sore throat. However, be sure to opt for caffeine-free tea, as caffeine can dehydrate you, which could make symptoms worse.

These teas are good options with soothing and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Camomile
  • Mint
  • Nail
  • Raspberry
  • Slippery elm
  • Licorice root
  • Marshmallow root

You may also have heard of oregano tea as a Mexican home remedy for a sore throat. While oregano has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, according to an April 2019 study in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, there has been no specific research surrounding tea to soothe pain from throat.

Enjoy a cold treatment

Although tea and other hot liquids can help, the opposite end of the spectrum works too.

Cold treats like ice cream can ease at least some of the discomfort of a sore throat by numbing the pain and helping to reduce inflammation and irritation.

Try an air purifier or humidifier

Both air purifiers and humidifiers are “wonderful” remedies for a sore throat, especially in very dry environments and during the winter months. Humidifiers are helpful because they moisten the air you breathe, removing dry air that can irritate and inflame your throat.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using a humidifier:

  • Always use a cool mist humidifier
  • Use only for short periods so it doesn’t cause mold to grow in your room
  • Clean and dry the humidifier daily
  • Use distilled water instead of the tap

Additionally, air purifiers can reduce the amount of indoor pollutants in the air, which can help lessen symptoms caused by allergies. For best results, you can place the air purifier next to your bed to clean the air while you sleep.

When choosing an indoor air cleaning method, it is recommended to use a portable air cleaner for cleaning the air in a single room, as well as regularly changing and updating the air filters as needed in your heating and air conditioning systems. .

mujer cantando con dolor de garganta

Suck pills

There are a multitude of over-the-counter lozenges that can be used for a sore throat. Lozenges containing cepacol as the main ingredient are recommended, but menthol lozenges, such as Hall’s cough drops, are also effective in soothing a sore throat. And of course, honey-based lozenges are also a popular choice.

Eat soft foods

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends choosing soft, moist, and easy-to-swallow foods and avoiding dry, crunchy, sugary, salty, or spicy foods, as these can further irritate the throat.

The following foods are easy to eat and can relieve a sore throat:

  • Smoothies or smoothies
  • Frozen
  • Soups
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal and other cooked cereals

Rest your voice

A sore throat can often be accompanied by laryngitis, hoarseness, or a change in how your voice sounds. This is due to inflammation around the vocal cords when your body is fighting a viral or bacterial infection.

The best thing to do if you have a sore throat and loss of voice is to practice vocal rest. As it sounds, vocal rest is simply giving your voice a break. Try to avoid speaking, or if you have to speak, whisper, as this puts less strain on your vocal cords.

Use eucalyptus

If your sore throat is the result of a cold, it is possible that using eucalyptus can help clear congestion and calm your nasal passages. You can try a eucalyptus tablet to release the vapors in a hot shower, put eucalyptus leaves in your shower head for some aromatherapy, or diffuse eucalyptus oil.