Can edamame pods be eaten?

Edamames have become fashionable thanks to pokes and sushi accompaniments. However, most of us consume it already peeled from the pod. Could its pod be eaten or is it dangerous to health?

Whether they are cooked or fried, edamame must be peeled to eat its most flavorful part. The goal is to get to the inner seeds, not the shell. Although it is not really necessary that we open the pod along the center while eating the dried edamames, since they can be squeezed out of the “ends” of the wet cooked pod and put in the mouth. But, what happens if we also want to take advantage of the pods?

Pods can cause choking

It is true that this part of the vegetable can be eaten, but it is not recommended. Due to its hardness and long chewing time, most people do not like it. There are many stories of young children and adults who took edamame shells because they were unaware of the dangers. However, currently no adverse effects related to its properties have been recorded. The most common complaint is that the pods are difficult to chew. Also, it has a possible side effect of excess indigestible plant material in the digestive system.

Edamame pods are not toxic , however they are very difficult to open and eat. We should be able to consume them without any problem if we can chew them enough so that it passes through the digestive tract like a mush. However, its taste is not very good and it has the potential to clog the digestive system. When indigestible material builds up and clogs the digestive system, it is called a bezoar. Depending on their size, bezoars can cause different types of stomach upset, feelings of fullness and gastrointestinal blockages, as well as constipation.

Persimmons are another good example of phytobezoars in action. Some people’s stomachs react chemically with persimmon skin, forming a mass of cellulose, hemicellulose, and indigestible protein.

vainas de edamames

Can they be reused?

If we’re really excited to give edamame pods a second life, we’ve got bad news. The most common is that they are disposed of in the trash. Composting edamame pods is simple if we have an organic waste disposal system. Alternatively, they can be shredded in a garbage disposal and the resulting remainder flushed down the toilet. Although we think that the most logical thing is to throw them into the organic waste container so that it is classified where it should. Pouring food down the toilet can create a buildup of substances and result in a blockage.

When we buy pods of some food, both beans, such as peas or edamames, we must be attentive to the great variety that we find in supermarkets. To avoid buying wrinkled, yellow or shrunken pods, we have to make sure they are thick and firm before purchasing. We can put them in the refrigerator and use within two or three days after buying the fresh pods from the market. However, you can find frozen edamame in most supermarkets.