Curiosities of the paleo diet

The paleo diet has become popular in recent months. A very specific diet full of curiosities. It is a diet with a certain scientific basis behind it and that is not categorized within weight loss diets, but we will see that in your curiosities.

The Paleolithic is a stage in the history of mankind that took place about 2 and a half million years ago, according to researchers it began approximately 2,500,000 BC until almost 10,000 BC. C. A stage that encompasses the beginning of human life and until the end of the ice age on Earth. It is also known as the Stone Age for the use of tools made with that material and it is the longest period in the history of mankind.

A very intense period where many changes took place, including food. At that time, food was very basic and was mainly fish, game meat, collection of vegetables, tubers, fruits, roots, etc.

This is why the current paleo diet is based on such a specific diet, and it is that what is sought is to simulate the diet of our first ancestors. A diet that is not entirely perfect and that not everyone can carry it out.

Main curiosities of the Paleolithic diet

Verdura de la dieta paleo

We have already seen where the paleo diet comes from, well, now we are going to tell some of its curiosities so that we know more about this peculiar diet or lifestyle, as many call it.

  • The name of this diet was coined by Loren Cordai in the early 2000s.
  • It is not entirely effective for losing weight: a priori it may seem like a healthy diet, but given the high caloric intake from meat consumption, it can lead us not to lose all the weight we would like.
  • Some people can lose a lot of weight in a short time, which can be serious.
  • It is a diet with little variety , so it can make us repetitive and end up tired and lose motivation.
  • We will forget about counting calories, since our food is fresh and not ultra-processed.
  • A transition process must be made, so as not to suffer from missing certain foods, or ways of cooking them.
  • It has a high level of protein, and our kidneys must be in top shape to cope with such amount.
  • Regarding the above, our urine could be foamy. If so, there may be a failure .
  • A diet lacking in some nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D.
  • It makes us more prone to cardiovascular disease and cancer .
  • It is a diet that is usually difficult to maintain economically, since fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and others must be 100% organic without hormones, or preservatives, nothing similar.
  • To decide on a weekly menu, it will take us much longer than a normal balanced diet.
  • It is a diet suitable for children , since their eating habits are not yet fully formed. Although it has its negative side such as the deprivation of dairy (calcium for bones and teeth and the benefits of probiotics for intestinal health), soluble and insoluble fiber, cereals, legumes, etc.