Bread or spikes: what is more fattening?

Breadcrumbs may be an easy snack, but we shouldn’t rely on them for weight loss. Compared to bread, which one has more calories? Could they be consumed in diets to lose weight?

The only rule to lose weight is to maintain a caloric deficit. That is, we must consume fewer calories than we burn. Being active in the gym, walking or running can help you lose weight quickly. However, we must also bear in mind that we must consume fewer calories than we burn. For example, if we run for an hour to burn 600 calories, it is not advisable to have a large meal of 3000 calories. This will increase the weight, no matter how much we exercise. Therefore, caloric deficit is the key to losing weight.

Bread has always been a questionable food. Although there are many healthy types, some prefer to eliminate it from diets to reduce carbohydrate intake. Does the same thing happen with spikes?

Peak Calories

People eat breadsticks as an easy, low-calorie snack. But, it is not entirely true. The spikes are high in calories. For example, in 100 grams of this food we find 410 calories. In fact, there are more than 40 calories in a single medium loaf of bread. Just for comparison, a slice of bread contains about 75 calories.

The reason these breadcrumbs are so high in calories is because they contain high amounts of fat . The fat makes the picots more delicious. Therefore, most have around 13-22 grams of fat per 100 grams. That is, approximately 120-200 calories.

Also, some brands add sugar for flavor. Sugar has no nutritional value, just extra calories. So breadcrumbs are not a low calorie snack. They are actually high in fat from cheap vegetable oils to make them taste better. But, all vegetable oils are bad for weight loss, so it is advisable to choose peaks with extra virgin olive oil among its ingredients.

So if we want to lose weight, we should not eat more than four or five breadsticks a day. That equates to about 200 calories. Keep in mind that most people consume much more than this recommendation, without even realizing it. So maybe it’s better to avoid them altogether.

picos de pan

Bread is less caloric

Certainly, breadcrumbs made with refined flour are not good for your health. They are high in calories and low in nutrients. However, the same does not happen with bread.

Contrary to what many people think, the decrease in water also occurs in the crust of the bread during its elaboration process in the oven. This makes the crumb less fattening than the crust of a loaf of bread. In addition, today there are many bakeries that make different healthy breads, such as rye, spelled, 100% wholemeal or multigrain.

It should also be noted that the peaks are eaten as an accompaniment to meals, increasing the total caloric intake.