Is it good to eat strawberries every day?

Strawberries are one of the favorite fruits of adults and adults, that’s why we wanted to know everything about them and for that we created this text where we tell about their nutritional values, benefits and even contraindications. We will also say the maximum dose of strawberries that we can consume in a day and we will give ideas on how to eat them, always looking for the healthiest and most nutritious option.

Strawberries are among the favorite fruits of many of us, and more so of children. A tasty fruit, easy to eat, nutritious, fresh and that combines perfectly with a multitude of fruits, and even with vegetables for nutritious juices.

This fruit is very versatile and we will learn that well in this text, but before getting there we are going to know the nutritional values, as well as the benefits and contraindications of this fruit with such a particular aesthetic. And of course we say no, the stem and the green leaves should not be consumed, only the red part, and if it is very poached, it is better to discard it, or plant it to raise a strawberry plant.

Nutritional values

An average adult needs about 2,000 kilocalories in a day, although in previous articles we have seen that this varies according to our physical state, health, level of activity, age, etc. But on average, about 2,000 kilocalories, well, only 100 grams of strawberries provide 35 kilocalories, and this makes them one of the lightest fruits on the market.

100 grams of strawberries also provide 7.7 grams of carbohydrates, so they would be suitable for keto diets, we also have 4.89 grams of sugars, 2 grams of fiber, no protein and almost 91% of a strawberry is water, so which gives us a large percentage of hydration.

Strawberries also provide other types of nutrients that are the ones that later provide the benefits to the body. For example, in 100 grams we have 12 IU of vitamin A (very little, almost nonexistent), 59 mg of vitamin C which is close to 100% of the recommended daily value , 2.2 micrograms of vitamin K, and 6% of the recommended daily amount of folic acid.

Regarding minerals, we have 16 mg of calcium, 153 mg of potassium, 13 mg of magnesium, 24 mg of phosphorus, 1 mg of sodium and 4 micrograms of fluoride. In total they are tiny amounts, but it all adds up when it comes to eating a healthy and varied diet.


In the previous section we have left some clues about how good it is to eat strawberries throughout the week. Later we will say the dose and different ways to consume this fruit so tasty and peculiar. For now, we are going to know the main benefits of consuming strawberries several times a week:

Un postre con fresas

very moisturizing

Before we already said that almost 91% of a strawberry provides hydration because it is water. This helps to cover the hydration needs that the body needs every day, since not only do you have to drink a minimum liter and a half of water a day, but hydration is achieved with food, as long as they are fresh and vegetable products. , instead of meats, sweets, sugars, sausages, precooked and such that subtract hydration from the body.

Hydration is good to balance body temperature, to hydrate the skin, to transport proteins and oxygen, for circulation, for hair, to hydrate the eyes, so that physiological processes continue, etc.

anti constipation

Strawberries are not one of the fruits that have the most fiber, but given the high percentage of hydration, they also help evacuation. It is very beneficial to avoid constipation, but we should not only consume strawberries in punctual constipation processes, but we must consume them regularly so that the intestinal transit flows normally.

Between the dietary fiber of strawberries and the hydration provided by the fruit, a perfect combination is achieved that helps regulate the expulsion of feces and, above all, lubricates to facilitate expulsion itself, reducing physical effort.

heart healthy

Something that we must clarify is that saying heart-healthy is not synonymous with a miracle, nor by eating strawberries are we going to recover from heart disease. We say heart-healthy because it collaborates positively in treatment to lower the risk of heart disease such as hypertension and high cholesterol.

Strawberries have good antioxidants, so they help us lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of hypertension and promote the elasticity of arteries and veins throughout our body.


A tasty fruit, physically beautiful, and very rich in nutrients and benefits, but it is not all as perfect as it seems, since there are a series of contraindications that few people know and today we want to make clear. For example, strawberries belong to the rosacea group of fruits, that is, allergy LTP or also known as the lipid transporting protein. Thus, those with allergies to LTP cannot consume strawberries.

Nor should those people with diarrhea problems, stomach problems, irritable bowel and the like consume them. Nor if we are diabetic, since they are rich in sugars and low in fiber. Those who have a kidney stone, or suffer from kidney failure, should also not consume strawberries, since the sodium and the patio increase the work of the kidneys.

Dosage and how to eat them

According to experts, every day we can eat about 4 normal-sized strawberries, and can go up to 6 if they are very small at each meal. In other words, we can eat a maximum of 200 grams a day , but we must always choose to consume a greater variety of fruits. Based on this, we can put 3 or 4 strawberries as dessert in various meals and mix them with other fruits such as banana, kiwi, apple, grapes, peach, etc.

We can also create smoothies with and without milk with red fruits; with vegetables such as Swiss chard or spinach; strawberry and banana smoothie with non-dairy milk and seeds; strawberries with peanut butter on toast or a pancake; strawberries dipped in dark chocolate; sliced strawberries to decorate pancakes, cakes and other desserts; yogurt and strawberry ice cream with chocolate chunks and shavings; a vitamin juice with strawberry, grapefruit and orange, etc.