BJJ Beginner Technical Circuit

The primary objective in a BJJ combat, both with or without GI or Kimono, is to knock down your opponent and then continue the fight on the ground and try to finish it. If you are in a competition, a good takedown will give you two points and a significant initial psychological advantage. That is why you should know the main knockdown styles of BJJ and how to execute them correctly.

BJJ takedown styles

BJJ uses a mix of takedown styles derived from judo and wrestling . It is very normal to see takedowns attacking the legs, very common in fighting and today prohibited in Judo.

These types of takedowns are simple and effective to execute, although you will have to execute them hundreds of times before you get one sparring and perhaps thousands of times before you manage to perform one in competition .

In an MMA fight there are also takedowns and they are also scored for a final decision if you have not managed to knock out your opponent or finish it. These can also lead you to very profitable situations in order to carry out the completions or the ground and pound (hitting your opponent while he is lying on the ground).

Performing this type of takedown with the kimono is much more difficult than without it, since your opponent can keep you at a distance with grips that are non-existent without the kimono. In the case of MMA you can even fool your opponent with false left straights before going for the takedown.

Jiu Jitsu brasileño

The basic technique in takedowns

Technique is the most important part of the repertoire of each fighter and the one that is most difficult to acquire in order to be a good fighter.

The following exercises have been adapted to improve your performance in taking takedowns, grabbing and holding stable positions, and subjecting your opponents with chokes.

Thanks to them you will acquire a good base in terms of knockdown style techniques since they are not so complicated to perform although they are not less effective for that. Also, you don’t need a lot of material to perform them and, most importantly, you will see a rapid progression in your levels of strength and explosiveness.

Basic techniques to knock down with GI

In this video we see Matt D’Aquino , 3 dan black belt for Judo, purple belt for BJJ and Olympic athlete at the Beijing Olympics in 2008 representing Australia, perform a series of effective kimono takedowns, all of them attacking a leg.

As a curiosity to tell you that the second of them goes smoothly, it was one of my instructor’s favorites and a mandatory practice in our school, it really works.

Basic technique for knocking down No Gi

In this other video we have the great trainer Fred Leavy showing us a simple and effective takedown attacking both legs to perform without a kimono. Very basic, very effective and above all it leaves us in a great position to continue progressing on the ground.

The key to these takedowns, both with and without kimono, is not to apply them directly, but to pretend them beforehand and make your opponent move in the direction you want, in other words, fool your opponent . For this reason they call BJJ human chess.

Finally, remember these 3 important points to carry out any type of takedown:

  1. A shoulder blow to destabilize your opponent.
  2. Lower your center of gravity to perform the lunge with the maximum possible power.
  3. A strong grip .