Are we required to take supplements to be healthy today?

When it comes to health, there are those who make use of nutritional supplements , be it proteins, vitamins and even probiotics, but is it really necessary to take them daily? Supplements, as their name suggests, are to fill a deficiency or to supplement a diet, and the truth is that probiotics are more important than many of us think.

Billions of bacteria live in our body, and far from being something negative, it is something quite positive, since thanks to them our health is not compromised.

A few years ago, this group of bacteria that live in our body was called the intestinal flora, but now they are known as the microbiota . Our health depends on them, since when alterations arise is when some health problems begin to appear .

Sari Arpuesta , Doctor in Biomedical Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and specialist in Internal Medicine, has launched an interesting book, “It’s the microbiota, idiot!”, In which she defends the role of probiotics to treat certain health problems .

Doctora Sari Arponen

She says that the bacteria that inhabit our body, when they get out of adjustment, are the cause of the smell of sweat, the smell of feet , stress, allergies , the appearance of our skin, being overweight , cavities, dermatitis, psoriasis , and even problems related to memory or the ability that each one has to link.

Those who are overweight suffer alterations in their intestinal microbiota causing inflammation. In this case, the use of probiotics helps fat loss.

The microbiota has to be taken care of in the same way that we take care of our skin or our hair. To keep the more than 100 billion bacteria at bay, you need to eat a balanced diet and maintain healthy lifestyle habits.

Hence the importance of using probiotics as a dietary supplement, although not all experts agree on using this supplement on a regular basis.

Probiotics, a growing business, but without being considered drugs

What are probiotics? It is a food supplement formulated based on bacteria to balance our microbiota.

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Probiotics are a business that attracts more attention every year. Keep in mind that it is not a drug, but is considered a dietary supplement and is rarely recommended.

At the moment the bubble of probiotics has not exploded and is not used to combat problems such as overweight, at least not on a regular basis, but there are health professionals who are gradually creating school.

Probiotics are seen as a business because critics allege a lack of scientific evidence. Sari Arponen, states in his book that if we are healthy it is not necessary to invest in this supplement.

If our microbiota is healthy, we can cope with different infections, so technically, our health resides in the millions of bacteria that live in our body.

Sari Arponen comments that it is best to sleep well and 8 hours, do physical exercise frequently, reduce the intake of cereals and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. It also lets us know that not just any probiotic is valid, but that we must consult with a specialist.