Apple and chocolate muffins fit

Learning to eat healthy is not synonymous with boring. We all feel like having something sweet from time to time, but we don't have to fall into the absurdity of buying ultra-processed products, loaded with sugars and saturated fats. If you intend to continue taking care of yourself and be aware of what to eat, the best thing to do is get down to work. Here we show you a recipe for apple and chocolate muffins fit.

Apple muffins?

It is common to find apple tarts or banana muffins, but what if we make a mixture? You will love this easy and quick recipe to make. It is suitable for celiacs, lactose intolerant people and vegetarians . In addition, it does not have added sugars, only those naturally present in the ingredients.
In the recipe you will find that we use coconut oil, but you can not use it or use a little extra virgin olive oil. It is used as an emulsifier with cocoa, so it is not really necessary in this recipe either.

muffins de manzana

With the amounts that we recommend, about 6 muffins should come out. To preserve them, it is convenient to put them in the refrigerator and take at most a couple of days to consume them. Although we doubt they will last that long without devouring themselves!

