Animal Flow What is this way of training with your body weight?

The forms used to get in shape are more and more varied. Currently, the Animal Flow technique is becoming very fashionable. In it, it is only necessary to use your own body weight to strengthen the muscles and take care of the line. In order for you to know what it consists of, we will tell you how this training is carried out throughout this article.

What is Animal Flow?

There are many self-loading exercises that only need body weight to do their job. These can be as classic as push-ups, although others are much more original, such as activities that aim to imitate the gestures of animals. This is Animal Flow . It is a training system that emphasizes the performance of fluid movements in the different planes .

In this way, lifelong exercises, such as a squat , are fused with those that take into account the way of life of the beings that inhabit nature. In this way, stretching, movements and changes of rhythm and speed are developed in each of the movements.

The exercises are done together . In this way, we forget to do them separately to obtain a greater intensity in each gesture. Also, the training becomes more original and fun , removing tension.

Advantages of Animal Flow

Animal Flow

There are many benefits that we obtain when practicing training based on Animal Flow . In this section we will describe the most prominent ones.

Only body weight is necessary

One of the main advantages of Animal Flow stems from its base, that is, from using body weight to perform the different exercises. In this way, these can be carried out at any time and place without depending on facilities or a series of devices.

More strength and power

Likewise, with this training system, we not only tone the muscles and increase the number of pulsations if we perform the movements at a high rate, but it is also possible to gain more strength and power , especially if we include jumps in the routine. Likewise, we have the possibility to work more on stability and elasticity . In addition, we must not forget the stretches that contribute to achieving greater body flexibility .

Greater coordination

In addition to all of the above, coordination is very important in Animal Flow sessions. To achieve this, concentration is essential, which is why we will put some distance from reality and routine problems while the activity lasts. With this, we get away from stress and a multitude of negative energies that can haunt us on a day-to-day basis. If, in addition to doing these types of exercises, we decide to do them outdoors, the reduction of anxiety will multiply , since it is always positive to breathe fresh air, and feel the sun and the wind on our skin.

Increased muscle tone

If we use Animal Flow to stay in shape, we will achieve an increase in muscle tone.

Start practicing Animal Flow

Animal Flow

We already know what Animal Flow consists of, therefore, it is obvious that in order to execute a training of these characteristics, the first thing we must do is gain strength and learn the basic exercises that can be used in any session. As we have explained before, this technique requires a combination of exercises in order to perform a kind of choreography that takes into account all the muscles of the body. The goal is to strengthen and shape them. This is why creating a good foundation is so important.

Exercises of Animal Flow

To give you an idea of the exercises that take place in Animal Flow , we are going to give you several examples.

Squats and push-ups

To do one of the steps, for example, we can carry out a pike-type push-up or an inverted “V” position. Dolphin push-ups may also be a good idea. To perform the latter we must place ourselves with the forearms resting on the ground, parallel to each other or joined by the hands. Also supporting the tips of the feet, we must form an inverted “V” with the body to begin to perform them. The back must be straight from start to finish and, it is at this moment, when we will have to lower the trunk to align the body and place it parallel to the ground. The shoulders should descend until they are close to the wrists. In addition, the chin should exceed the position of the hands.

Squats are also very important. We can do them on one leg to imitate the posture of a bird and its movement.

Strength in the abdomen

The strength of the abdomen in the Animal Flow is essential. Therefore, it is always advisable to gain technique in the execution of isometrics . Among them, the abdominal plank and its variants stand out, since there are many animals that make this type of movement.

The abdominal plank is performed by resting the forearms on the floor, forming a 90 degree angle with the elbows. Likewise, part of the body weight will be kept on the toes, which will also rest on the ground. The legs should be kept slightly open. Once this is done, it is important to get into a plank position, squeeze your glutes, and align your head with your back. At this point you just have to squeeze your abdomen tightly and breathe calmly.

Walk like a crab or a bear

It may seem strange at first, but walking like a crab or a bear will also be part of an Animal Show choreography. Regarding the first exercise, this begins sitting on the floor, with the palms of the hands resting backwards, at the same time that we place them to the sides of the body. The feet should also be flat on the ground. At this point, we lift the rest of the body and walk backwards as we are.

Regarding the second, the exercise begins from a kneeling position , resting the hands on the ground. At this time the hips and knees are raised. The torso should be almost parallel to the ground. Now, the advancement of one hand and the foot of the opposite side must be alternated simultaneously to move.