8 essential exercises if you are a newbie to the gym that you should do

The first day we arrive at the gym, it is normal to feel lost and not know where to start. Our advice, do not get overwhelmed and start little by little to progress over the weeks and months, because this is essential for the hours invested to bear fruit. So that you don’t feel so lost, we’ve put together a list of must-have exercises if you’re new to the gym.

Essential exercises if you are a newbie to the gym

Take note of the selection we have made of the eight essential exercises if you are a newbie to the gym.

1. Pulley row

There are different types of rowing, but the one with a pulley is one of the simplest. In the pulley row you will work your biceps and the middle and lower back.

Start by standing in front of the machine, bend your knees, and place your feet on the footrest. Grab the pulley with your palms facing down and keep your back straight and your abs slightly contracted. Bring the pulley towards the abdominals keeping the elbows close to the body, hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position, controlling the return movement of the pulley.

You must keep the bar straight at all times and avoid the force of the pulley dragging your shoulders.

2. Bench Press

The bench press is a basic exercise that works the upper torso and is performed by horizontal push. There are more movements that work the same area, such as push-ups, but the bench press allows you to increase the difficulty as you progress .

Stretch out on the bench, contract your glutes, and retract your scapulae. Be careful when you release the bar from the fulcrum and control its descent until you have it resting on the lower part of the sternum . The rhythm of the descent should be set according to how you feel most comfortable, but always maintaining control.

Now begins the second part of the exercise, make a short stop when you reach the lower part of the sternum and start the upward movement, keeping the breath and the movement stability. Push the bar as hard as you can up and back keeping your elbows slightly open.

3. Pull-ups

Pull- ups are a basic vertical pull exercise and it’s very simple. Take the bar and use force as if you wanted to bend it, this way you will generate more tension and force. Fully stretch your arms, keep your gaze straight ahead and begin to rise, flexing your elbows until your shoulders are level with the bar. Descend little by little while maintaining control of the descent.

4. Pulley pull

The pulley pull works in a similar way to chin-ups, but it is usually done in initial workouts because it is even easier.

Sit on the bench and place your heels below your knees. Try not to place your feet further behind your back because your back could arch during the exercise.

Grab the bar wider than shoulder width and lower to the height of the clavicle while maintaining the curvature of the back. Briefly hold the weight with a pause and return to the starting position, controlling the rise at all times.

5. Military press

The military press is done in reverse of the bench press. That is, while in the latter the force is done horizontally, in the military press it is vertical. In addition, to do the exercise correctly you will have to do it standing up and with an open bar.

All the force of the exercise is done with the upper torso and arms , because the legs and knees are only responsible for giving stability to the body.

Take the bar with a prone grip, with a width greater than that of the shoulders and place it at the height of these. With your back straight and without using your legs to propel yourself, raise the bar, passing it as close to your face as possible. Then place your body under the bar until your arms are locked. Do the same route for the descent, controlling the movement at all times.

6. Romanian deadlift

With the Romanian deadlift you will work the hip area. Spread your legs, put your feet facing forward, and bend your knees about 20 degrees. Hold the bar with your arms parallel to the ground and open your chest wide to prevent your back from rounding. Push your hips back until you feel the weight fall on your heels and slide the weight down to your knees. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

7. Goblet squat

The goblet squat is a variant of the normal squat, but much simpler because there is no barbell used, which will allow you to perfect your technique. You can do it without weight or with a record, whichever suits you best.

Place your feet facing outward and slightly wider than the hips. With your back straight, lower your hips by bending your knees past 90 degrees. Pause briefly in this position and come back up.

8. Barbell squat

The barbell squat is one of the great basic exercises, present in almost all types of routines to work the lower body.

To do this exercise you will have to place the bar behind your shoulders. With your back straight and your chest out, lower your hips by bending your knees past the 90 degree angle. Hold for a few seconds at the lowest point and climb back up to get back to the starting position. Be careful with the knee lock when doing the reps because you could injure yourself.

Now that you know the essential exercises if you are a newbie to the gym, you can start your first routines. Of course, as we usually advise, if you have any questions, it is best to consult a trainer or ask the gym staff. And remember, never force your body, especially after a season without playing sports.