8 causes of premature aging and how to combat it

Aging is a stage of life and it depends on our habits that it is not anticipated. The part where premature aging is most noticeable is on the face, as the skin becomes thin, dull and flabby . In addition, after the above, expression lines appear. It is a fact that we are all going to grow old, but it must be done at the right stage; it is impossible to reverse it, but with some changes its appearance can be delayed . In this article we explain how to achieve it.

The main cause of premature aging is the formation of free radicals in the body due to stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, a sedentary life and other environmental factors. With all of the above, the skin begins to lose collagen, which is responsible for holding the cells together. Its decomposition brings with it the loss of elasticity of the skin .

Factors that favor premature aging

There are many factors that cause premature aging. Next, we will explain those that most affect our body.

Sun exposure

UV rays damage skin cells, which is why the skin begins to produce less melanin, collagen and elastin. As a result, it looks dry and flabby. Exposing ourselves to the sun without protection causes the epidermis to stain and, when this situation is serious, lesions such as skin tumors can appear . It should be noted that its effects are greater in complexion people. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun in the most dangerous hours, which are between 12.00 and 16.00.

Negative moods

Although it is a fact that many do not know, sadness also ages because it directly affects mental health . Therefore, we must always try to look for the good side of things.


When we are subjected to an excess of stress, the body begins to release substances that cause greater cellular oxidation, therefore, the synthesis of nutrients decreases. The body begins to feel tired and it also affects our immune system, being more likely to get sick.

Cuidando la piel podemos ayudar a prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro

Lack of exercise

Performing less than 200 minutes a week of exercise makes us sedentary. This slows down the metabolism and blood circulation. It should be noted that exercise not only helps prevent aging, but also keeps muscle tone , our mind and, in general, the whole organism in shape.

Bad nutrition

A diet high in fat, sugar, foods with many additives and very low in fruits, vegetables and water increases the production of free radicals. Foods rich in antioxidants should always be included in our daily diet so that the body’s cells protect themselves against everything that harms our body.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleep helps the body and organs recover. It is recommended to do it between 7 and 9 hours a day. When we do not get enough sleep we wake up tired and with a lot of tension, generating more stress. Likewise, it is also advisable to take short naps of no more than twenty minutes during the day, in order to recharge energy.


When you do not have a healthy weight, diseases typical of older people begin to appear. The yo-yo effect also greatly resents our body.

Tobacco and alcohol

Smoking and heavy drinking accelerates the aging process. The effects of tobacco added to those of alcohol are a harmful combination for the body. The free radicals generated by the consumption of this type of substances damage the cells that make up the brain, reducing neurocognitive capacity. Likewise, excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s.

Foods that delay premature aging

Just as there are foods that harm our body, others help us feel stronger throughout the day.


They have a large amount of phytonutrients that help us in weight loss, eye health, prevent the appearance of cancer and help delay aging.


Fish such as tuna or salmon contain a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, their consumption reduces inflammation in the body and strengthens our immune system

Green Tea

It has antioxidant properties higher than those found in vitamin E and C. In addition, it prevents the development of malignant cells.

El envejecimiento prematuro se puede prevenir con la comida


It contains vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.


Contains vitamin A and vitamin C that enhances the immune system.

Red wine

It is known as the anti-aging elixir because it contains Resveratrol , a powerful antioxidant that repairs DNA, preventing premature aging. One glass of wine a day is enough.


It contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant for the skin. It also helps regulate bad cholesterol.


Its properties help fight free radicals.


The vitamins that are present help us to have healthier bones, strengthen the immune system and inhibit some types of cancer such as breast, colorectal and skin cancer.

Other methods that will help us prevent aging

The consumption of minerals, such as sulfur, renew the skin. This element can be found in dried seeds, green peas, and cabbages.

Likewise, iron, which is the main producer of hemoglobin, helps maintain healthy tissue . For this reason it gives the skin a natural color and good health to the organs. Some sources for its consumption are pollen, lentils and beets.

Also, the coenzyme Q-10 favors the elasticity of the skin . This antioxidant is present in foods such as sardines, tuna, soybean oil, peanuts, and spinach.

Zinc and vitamin B5

On the other hand, zinc prevents aging . You can find this mineral mainly in whole grains, fortified cereals, meats, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and legumes. In addition, vitamin B5 promotes the production of fibroblasts, which help repair the skin . At the same time, they improve its hydration and elasticity. Its adequate consumption counteracts the effects of aging.