6 tips to avoid getting sick at the gym

In many cases, the gym is not always a very hygienic place, especially during cold and flu seasons and in those gyms where many people usually go. However, this is not a reason to stop exercising: you simply have to take the necessary precautions to avoid getting sick.

In addition to getting vaccinated, there are other options that you have to take into account to stay healthy and fight the germs in the gym. To do this, put these into practice to avoid getting sick at the gym.

Evitar contraer virus en el gimnasio

6 tips for infections in the gym

1. Keep training equipment clean

Before working out on a gym equipment, you should consider several things; For example, if the person who used the machine before you cleaned it after they finished or if the gym you are going to train at keeps the machines constantly clean.

For example, during cold and flu season, it is very important to try to keep all training surfaces sanitized and completely clean. In fact, a study by researchers at the University of Arizona found that cleaning commonly touched surfaces can reduce the risk of contracting lice by 80% (Blue, 2013).

Remember to also clean the training machine once you have finished yours.

Cómo evitar contagios de virus en el gimnasio

2. Avoid touching your face

As not all surfaces in the gym can be cleaned, such as dumbbells or a simple doorknob, it is very important not to touch your face to avoid any contact with germs . However, what you must do is to avoid contact with your face.

Once you have finished your training, you have to make sure to wash your hands and face very well. However, keep in mind that alcohol-based disinfectants can take up to 4 minutes to kill the flu virus (Hirose et al., 2019)

3. Stays for a short time with wet clothes

Many people tend to spend a lot of time in gym clothes, which is not recommended if you want to avoid getting sick.

Wet clothing cools the surface of the body, causing blood vessels in the nose and upper airways to become blocked, reducing blood flow to these areas. But how can this make you sick? The reason is because it reduces the immune system in the nose and throat, allowing cold viruses to flourish, producing the flu.

Llevar ropa húmeda del gimnasio puede ponerte enfermo

4. Take a shower as soon as possible

If you train with the help of an exercise mat, it is very likely that you are filling your body with bacteria and other unpleasant things, so washing your hands will not be enough to avoid diseases. Therefore, it is best to take a shower after training .

The shower will help you remove the sweat and germs that you have on your skin. In addition, you will excrete toxins through sweat, including chemical pollutants and heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury. To remove these substances you must use an exfoliator, or you can also use a neutral or plant-based soap.

Por qué debes ducharte justo después de entrenar

5. Stay well hydrated

Keeping the body well hydrated will help you fight disease, as it keeps its defenses strong.

Experts recommend consuming an average of 2 to 3 liters of water daily . However, the amount of water will also vary depending on the person who consumes it, their body type and the type of activity they perform.

Hidratarse bien previene el contagio de virus

6. Be careful when going to the bathroom

The bathroom is probably the place where you find the most bacteria in a gym , including infections like plantar warts and athlete's foot. This is caused by humid environments, such as steam showers and pool areas – basically germ breeding grounds.

To avoid contact with these infected surfaces, you should never walk barefoot in the bathroom or anywhere else in the gym. It is always recommended to wear sports sandals wherever you go. You can also use tissues to turn off the shower faucet or to open the door when you go out.

Another problem that you should take into account is avoiding scratches or cuts. Remember that your skin is the first line of defense against infection, so even a bad nail or razor blade can create an opening for bacteria to enter your body.

La sauna del gimnasio puede tener muchos gérmenes


The gym is one of the places most prone to bacteria , due to the large number of people who attend this place. Many of them may be sick, and if they are not, they can become infected and infections due to not maintaining hygienic habits. That is why it is recommended to take these tips into account.


  • Blue, A. (2013). Germs Spread Fast at Work, Study Finds. For uanews.arizona.edu [Reviewed January 2020]
  • Hirose, R., Nakaya, T., Naito, Y., Daidoji, T., Bandou, R., Inoue, K., Dohi, O … and Itoh, Y. (2019). Situations Leading to Reduced Effectiveness of Current Hand Hygiene against Infectious Mucus from Influenza Virus-Infected Patients. American Society for Microbiology . doi: 10.1128 / mSphere.00474-19
  • Jaime, O. 6 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick at the Gym. For Livestrong [Revised January 2020].