5 proven ways to lose weight without diet or exercise

Many times maintaining a conventional diet and an exercise plan is difficult due to the commitment that this implies in terms of investment of time, perseverance and discipline. However, there are some easy and proven techniques that can make you consume fewer calories and very effective in reducing body weight. Basically, they refer to certain eating habits or customs that you must adopt when sitting down to eat.

Don't think twice and get started right away with these 5 proven ways to lose weight without diet or exercise . You will surprise with the results.

Maneras efectivas de perder peso sin hacer ejercicio

5 easy techniques to lose weight

1. Drink water frequently

Drinking a glass of water half an hour before meals is a great way to lose weight. Performing this practice is proven to reduce hunger and lower calorie intake. Also, the effect is greater if you consume fewer calorie-laden drinks, such as sodas and juices.

In this sense, Denis et al. (2010) showed that a group of people who drank water before meals for 12 weeks decreased their body weight by 44% compared to the control group who did not drink water.

Técnicas para estar en forma sin dieta

2. Eat without electronic distractions

Paying attention to what you eat can cause you to eat fewer calories .

Those who while eating are distracted by watching television, checking the mobile phone or playing with the computer lose sight of how much they have eaten, which can lead to excessive calorie consumption .

Robinson et al. (2013) carried out a meta-analysis of the effect of memory on food intake and awareness of eating, showing that people who were distracted while eating their food ate approximately 10% compared to the control group.

Comer distraído te hace aumentar de peso

3. Eliminate sugary drinks

Nowadays it is very easy to consume excess calories through sweet drinks (soda or juices), in which one of the worst ingredients in meals is present: added sugar. This is because the brain does not register liquid calories as it does with solid foods, so inadvertently you eat more.

Staying away from these beverages entirely can cause you to lose weight without dieting or exercise and reap huge long-term health benefits, considering not only the number of calories they are in, but the risks of disease from their intake.

Beneficios de eliminar bebidas azucaradas

4. Chew your food well

Eating slowly is an easy way to lose weight . The brain needs time to process what you have eaten, so it is important to take the time necessary to chew your food well and thus obtain greater fullness with the consumption of smaller portions.

A study by Higgs and Jones (2013) showed that people who spend more time consuming their food tend to reduce the amounts consumed, and therefore are less likely to gain weight than those who eat more quickly.

Masticar bien los alimentos para adelgazar

5. Eat lots of protein

Adding protein to the diet has been linked to weight loss, even without conscious exercise or calorie restriction.

Eating protein has powerful effects on your appetite, as it can increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help you eat fewer calories. This effect can be caused by the presence of several hormones that play a role in hunger and fullness, such as ghrelin and GLP-1 (Lejeune, Westerterp, Adam, Luscombe-Marsh and Westerterp-Plantenga, 2006).

Some examples of protein-rich foods include chicken breast, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa, and almonds.

Relación entre el consumo de proteínas y la pérdida de peso


It is proven that you can adopt some habits in your daily life that help you lose weight without having to do a lot of diet or exercise . These basically refer to implementing certain eating habits, such as the following:

  • Drink water frequently.
  • Consume less amount of sugars.
  • Eat more protein.
  • Chew food well.
  • Eliminate distractions when you eat.

In this sense, you can try one technique at a time and evaluate how you are progressing.

Hábitos alimenticios y pérdida de peso


  • Dennis, EA, Dengo, AL, Comber DL, Flack KD, Savla J., Davy KP, Davy BM. (2010). Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2 (18), 300-307.
  • Higgs, S., Jones A. (2013). Prolonged chewing at lunch decreases later snack intake. Appetite . (62), 91-95.
  • Robinson E., Aveyard P., Daley A., Jolly K., Lewis A., Lycett D., Higgs S. (2013). Eating attentively: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of food intake memory and awareness on eating. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . 4 (97), 728-742.