2 lemonade recipes with more than just lemon

On many occasions, dietitians-nutritionists advise incorporating lemonade into our diet. Especially, it is recommended to people who say they do not like water for its non-existent flavor or to those who have a dependency on soft drinks at meals.

Maybe we associate drinking lemonade with hot times of the year, but it is a drink that provides so many benefits in our body that we can take it whenever we want. On this occasion we bring you some lemonades in which we not only use lemon as the main ingredient . This will make you less boring and will be perfect color for your Instagram photos.

We will always avoid adding sugars or sweeteners, we prefer to stay with the sugars that each fruit contributes; In case you feel very acidic, you can add a little stevia to sweeten.

Watermelon lemonade

Although it is true that buying watermelon is difficult during the year, we can save this recipe for when the hot months are approaching. Watermelon is one of the fruits that contain the most water, making it a great option to stay lightly hydrated.

To make this watermelon lemonade we are going to need : a kilo of watermelon, about 20 fresh mint leaves, the juice of three lemons, a liter of water and a lot of ice (crushed if possible). If you want to give it a different touch, you can incorporate sparkling water, instead of natural water.

Its preparation is quite simple: remove the skin and the seeds from the watermelon and cut it into pieces. On the other hand, wash the mint leaves and crush them a bit with a wooden mallet.
In a blender, put the pieces of watermelon, the water and the juice of the lemons. Beat until smooth and pour into a bowl next to the mint leaves. You can choose to put the ice in each glass or directly in the container of the mixture.

Pineapple and ginger lemonade

We are facing the most diuretic lemonade of all. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants; on the other hand, ginger will help us improve our digestion and blood circulation. It is likely that you do not have ginger integrated into your diet because you do not finish liking its flavor, here you will not even notice it.

You will need : a medium pineapple or a bottle of peeled pineapple, 30 ml of lemon juice, a piece of fresh ginger and a liter of water. Here we give you the idea of adding sparkling water again, but do not abuse to avoid bloating your stomach unnecessarily.

To prepare the lemonade: If you have the pineapple peeled, chop it up. Peel and chop the ginger. Squeeze the lemon juice (better natural than using the one that comes in a bottle). In a mixer, put all the ingredients and crush well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Pass the mixture through a strainer so that it is completely pure and without lumps.
It is possible that this combination is a bit acidic, choose to add a little stevia if you need it. Put ice to taste and enjoy.