13 exercises with TRX to train your whole body in suspension

Suspension training or exercises with TRX are carried out with your own body weight and aim to develop balance, strength, core stability and flexibility at the same time.

Exercising with TRX requires the use of a portable tool called TRX , which uses a person’s body weight and gravity to complete hundreds of movements. This type of functional training has gained a lot of popularity lately and works great for both beginners and those who have been exercising for a long time.

When you start training with TRX, your core strength increases tenfold. Even when the arm is strengthened, the suspension and gravitational pull provide resistance and engage the core muscles. This, in turn, improves agility, flexibility, and balance. At the end of a 60 minute TRX session, you will be sweating and feeling energized.

TRX exercises you can do with your band anywhere

This discipline is very dynamic so you will enjoy every minute of your sessions. All you have to do is hook your TRX band anywhere safe to start your training session with these TRX exercises.

Triceps extension

Extensiones de tríceps con TRX


  1. You will need to flex and extend your elbows repeatedly.
  2. You can do them by standing behind the TRX knobs.
  3. Hold the handles with both hands leaving the body straight but slightly inclined, so that with the arms you support all the weight of the body with the feet on the ground.

This exercise can be done with one hand, with grip, supine, prone or mixed, or with one hand with alternate or double grips.

Arm curl

Flexiones de brazos con TRX

The push-ups with TRX are used to work the pectorals and triceps and, to a lesser extent, the shoulders and the rest of the muscles of the arms.


  1. Stand up and lean your body so that your arms support all the weight.
  2. Align your body from head to toe.
  3. Bend and extend your elbows.

You can also do them horizontally:

  1. Rest your hands on the ground and your feet on the handles of the TRX.
  2. With this exercise you will work the pectorals and shoulders more. You can add more intensity by raising your feet beyond the horizontal line of your shoulders and pecs.


Sentadillas con TRX

Regardless of your fitness level, squats offer incredible benefits. The TRX squat will improve hip mobility and squat mechanics , it will also help you to be more functional in any sport and in everyday tasks.


  1. Adjust the TRX straps to half length, and position yourself in front of the anchor point.
  2. Hold the handles in front of you with your elbows bent and back up until there is slight tension on the straps.
  3. Without leaning back, lower your hips back and forth as much as you can but still feel comfortable.
  4. Squeeze your glutes when you return to the standing position.

Side lunge

Zancada lateral con TRX

Many beginners spend most of their time doing front-to-back exercises, but they forget about lateral movements. This is one of the best exercises with TRX that will allow you to improve your technique and mobility , especially if you are new to this discipline.


  1. Start with the straps at half length.
  2. Stand in front of the anchor point with your legs in a wide stance and your toes pointing forward.
  3. Lower your left hip down and back onto your left heel feeling comfortable.
  4. Push with your leg to return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat with the other side.

Rotation with TRX

Rotación con TRX

This exercise helps increase core strength and rotational power , which is important for beginners. It sounds simple, but don’t let that fool you. The best thing about this exercise is that it allows you to have complete control of the intensity based on how hard you pull.


  1. Fully lengthen the TRX straps and lay sideways toward the anchor point.
  2. With both hands on the bases of your feet, align your shoulders with the anchor point and extend your arms in front of your body.
  3. Keep your body tight and upright, while maintaining tension on the extended arm.

Curl with TRX

Curls con TRX

Hamstring strength is essential for the integrity of the knee joint and the ability to run and jump more. Both beginners and experienced athletes will benefit from this exercise with TRX.


  1. With the straps mid-calf, lie on your back and place your heels on the floor.
  2. Maintain even pressure on your heels, engage your glutes and core, keep your hips lifted, and drag your heels until your knees are piled on your hips.
  3. Return to the starting position while keeping your core tight.


vuelo trx

Exercises with TRX also help prevent injury and improve posture. This move focuses on shoulder mobility and upper back strength , so perfecting this exercise will help you adopt a better posture.


  1. Adjust the TRX straps to mid-length and face the anchor point.
  2. Start with your arms in a ‘Y’ position above your head so that your feet are slightly off-set.
  3. Slowly lower your body back, staying in a straight line.
  4. Keep your arms straight as you return to the standing ‘Y’ position.

Chest press

Press de pecho con TRX

The chest press is a great exercise , not only for learning to move with proper alignment, but also for working your core and having a strong and stable spine. Not surprisingly, it is one of the basic TRX exercises in any workout of this type.


  1. Fully lengthen the TRX straps and position yourself opposite the anchor point.
  2. Start with the grips on your feet and with his arms extended directly below your shoulders, pushing against the handles of the straps.
  3. Keeping your body in a straight line, lower yourself until your elbows are at approximately 90 degrees.
  4. Stretch your arms and strengthen your core as you return to the starting position.

Iron with TRX

Plancha con TRX

This exercise with TRX serves to establish a strong core , something essential for all beginning athletes. The ability to keep the body aligned and contracted will lead to safe and successful performances in all other exercises.


  1. With the straps at the mid-calf, begin lying on your stomach from the anchor point and place your toes on the handles of the TRX.
  2. Squeeze your calves, glutes, hamstrings, and core, and stay in a perfectly linear position.


Balance o remo con TRX

This is one of the essential TRX exercises for improving posture .
This exercise is great for working your back muscles , and you can change the intensity by moving your feet closer to or further from the anchor point.


  1. With the TRX shortened, position yourself in front of the anchor point.
  2. Start with your elbows bent at 90 degrees, the handles on your chest, your body straight and in line.
  3. Stretch your arms slowly to lower your body, keeping it in a straight line from head to toe and return to the beginning by bending your elbows.

Extension with TRX

Extensión con TRX

This TRX exercise is perfect for hip mobility , improving core strength, and good posture.


  1. Adjust the straps to half length and face the anchor point.
  2. While holding the handles, walk back so that your arms are fully extended over your body and your hips are in line with your body.
  3. Keep your feet on the ground when you begin to move your hips, pushing your hips back until you bend in the middle with your arms extended overhead.
  4. Keeping your biceps at face level, pull your hands directly over your head as your body straightens, ending on the tips of your toes.

Inverted row

Fila invertida TRX

This exercise primarily stimulates the back muscles used when rowing with dumbbells. It is a very good exercise to improve back stability and strength.


  1. Lie on your back under the TRX with your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
  2. Hold the handles on your chest, arms outstretched, and palms facing each other.
  3. Bend your elbows, pulling your torso up until your body is aligned from the shoulders to the knees.
  4. Extend your arms to return to starting position.

High bicep curl

Curl alto de bíceps con TRX

This is another one of the best TRX exercises to work your biceps and shoulders . In addition to being ideal for maintaining a proper posture since the back must be straight throughout the exercise.


  1. Stand with your back to the TRX with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lean forward and grab the handles in front of your face, elbows bent 90 degrees, and palms facing out.
  3. Extend your arms and then bend your elbows to return to the starting position.

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