10 ways your home can make you gain fat

Many factors around you have to do with the foods you choose to eat, and your home is one of them.

No matter how committed you are to your diet and physical health, if your home isn't designed to form healthy habits, you're unlikely to do so. The way your home is laid out and decorated may cause you to put aside a balanced diet and instead prefer to eat less healthy foods.

There are some signs that can help you recognize if the decor and layout of your home can make you fat . Discover 10 of them.Tu casa puede hacerte aumentar de peso

10 ways to know if your house makes you gain fat

1. Your walls are red

The color red makes you feel hungrier , so it is not a very good option to paint the walls of your house. A better alternative is to choose the colors blue or green, since both promote relaxation, which makes you eat less anxiously and pay more attention to food, so that you stop eating when you feel full.Pintar tus paredes de rojo hará que tengas más hambre

2. You have very large plates

The size of your plates influences your appetite , since they function as an unconscious guide to the amount of food you should eat.

It is recommended not to use dishes larger than 2.5 centimeters in diameter so that you can eat in adequate quantities and, at the same time, be satisfied.

Tamaño de platos ideal para no comer de más

3. You watch cooking shows all the time.

If you prepare recipes that you see on television shows, your body mass index may increase.

Cooking shows, most of the time, prepare dishes that are not healthy, and also the portions that are served are quite large. In this way, when we go to cook, we use all of this as a guide, which makes us unconsciously gain weight.

Although the recipes you see on television are healthy, "food pornography" will make you crave foods that are not; therefore, it is best if you get your recipes from books or from friends and family.

Las recetas de cocina de la televisión te hacen ganar peso

4. She is very shabby

To maintain healthy lifestyle habits, you must start by tidying up your house. Different studies show that people with the greatest chances of losing weight live in clean and orderly homes.

An orderly home allows you to have clear thoughts and make better decisions about your diet .Una casa desordenada influye en tus hábitos alimenticios

5. The lights are very bright

Bright lights are linked to overeating . A good solution for this is to place switches that dim the lights when you go to eat, as a dim light creates a relaxing environment that makes you eat slower and fill up faster. In addition, it will help you enjoy food better.Las luces brillantes se relacionan con comer en exceso

6. The chairs in your kitchen are very comfortable

Spending a lot of time in the kitchen encourages overeating. For example, if your chairs are very comfortable, you will do many activities in this space and, therefore, you will eat more.

Swapping your chairs for less comfortable ones can help you solve this problem.Evitar tener sillas cómodas en el comedor para comer menos

7. Your house is very dusty

The dust in your house has a chemical that can affect your metabolism , your body's fat production, and the accumulation of triglycerides and fat cells.

To avoid this, it is best to constantly clean your home and reduce the amount of dust in it, which can also help you with other health problems, such as allergies.El polvo contiene partículas que te hacen ganar grasa

8. You put the least healthy foods on top of the refrigerator.

We tend to eat what is visible and easily accessible to us. For example, if we put cereals in places like the top of the refrigerator or the kitchen table, we will be more likely to consume them each time we are hungry, which translates into a large number of additional calories at the end of the day.

Distribución de alimentos en la nevera y sobrepeso

9. The table where you eat is in front of the television

The use of objects such as television, telephones, computers or tablets contribute to overeating. You should eliminate any interaction with these objects when you are eating in order to be more aware of what you eat and fill up faster.

Consecuencias de comer viendo la televisión

10. You store your fruits and vegetables in the closed containers of your refrigerator

Although these containers are designed to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh, in reality they only make us forget that they are stored and, therefore, we consume them less.

Change these containers for glass or transparent containers that will help you eat more of these foods. You can also store healthy foods in places like the top of the refrigerator; this way, they are more likely to be your first choice when you're hungry.Guardar frutas y verduras en recipientes visibles para comerlas más


As you can see, there are some factors in your home that work against you when it comes to eating healthy. Therefore, we invite you to change them in order to maintain a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


  • Fetters, A. 11 Ways Your House May Be Making You Fat. For Livestrong. [Revised April 2018]