10 easy ways to help your cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular problems are one of the leading causes of death today. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to the signals that your body gives you and visit your doctor so that you can detect any cardiovascular irregularity in time.

Fortunately, by making some adjustments to your diet, doing physical activity, and managing some health conditions, you can reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease.

Wait no more and learn 10 easy ways to improve cardiovascular health .

Cómo mejorar la salud de tu corazón

10 ways to help your cardiovascular health

1. Eat foods rich in calcium

Many people take calcium supplements every day to maintain their health and reduce the risk of heart disease . However, a study conducted in New Zealand found that older women who took calcium supplements had a higher risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, it is more advisable to obtain calcium from natural sources such as low-fat dairy products and plant foods, such as kale, broccoli or spinach: this way you will obtain the necessary calcium to take care of your heart on a daily basis.

It is also convenient to reduce or eliminate sodium consumption to take care of the health of your heart.

Alimentos ricos en calcio para cuidar tu corazón

2. Include a large amount of antioxidants in your diet

A study carried out in Sweden in 2007 reported that women who consumed a higher concentration of antioxidants had a lower risk of suffering a stroke compared to women who had a low concentration of antioxidants in their body.

Antioxidants are necessary to take care of your heart. You can get them from foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, tea, berries, artichokes, lima beans, lentils, apples, and cocoa.

Alimentos ricos en antioxidantes para tu salud cardiovascular

3. Adopt a Mediterranean diet

A 2011 study conducted by Johns Hopkins University found that a diet high in healthy fats, fruits and vegetables helps prevent heart disease .

To help your cardiovascular health, you just have to start eating Mediterranean-style foods. You can combine carbohydrates with healthy fats such as olive oil, walnuts, and avocado. At the same time, you must not forget to incorporate a huge amount of fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Dieta mediterránea para cuidar la salud cardiovascular

4. Cook with herbs and spices

Using salt in food can raise your blood pressure and affect your health. Therefore, it is advisable to use herbs and spices to reduce the need to add more salt. In addition, its use considerably improves health.

Many herbs contain an antioxidant effect greater than that of many fruits and vegetables. In fact, oregano has 4 times more benefits in terms of antioxidants than blueberries.

Fresh dill, meanwhile, contains quercetin, an antioxidant that is linked to lowering blood pressure. Rosemary, thyme and mint, meanwhile, also contain a generous amount of antioxidants.

Cocinar con hierbas y especias para cuidar la salud cardiovascular

5. Eat foods rich in potassium

It is commonly known that a high sodium diet can put your heart health at risk. In this sense, potassium can help counteract some of the negative effects sodium has on the heart.

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that to achieve a healthy balance between sodium and potassium, reduce salty and processed foods and consume more foods rich in potassium. Some examples would be broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, squash, apricots, bananas, and citrus fruits.

Cuida tu salud cardiovascular con alimentos ricos en potasio

6. Take your blood pressure medicine at night

According to a study published in the American Society of Nephrology journal , in 2011, people who take blood pressure medications before bed have a lower risk of dying from a cardiovascular problem, heart failure or stroke, compared to with patients who take the medicine upon awakening.

However, it is necessary that before making any changes in the administration of your medications, you consult with your doctor, since he is in charge of authorizing any change in the medication.

Tomar el medicamento para la presión arterial durante la noche

7. Control hypertension

Controlling high blood pressure can lead to more years of life. According to a 2011 study published in the American Medical Association, people who take a drug to lower blood pressure live longer.

For that reason, it is advisable to undergo a medical check-up to find out the value of your blood pressure and, in the event that the result of that evaluation shows altered results, take the appropriate measures.

Cómo reducir el riesgo de una enfermedad cardiovascular

8. Go to the dentist

With a visit to the dentist, you can get more than just beautiful teeth. A Taiwanese study reports that people who have their teeth cleaned at least twice a year have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke compared to people who have never been to the dentist.

The key to having good cardiovascular health is to periodically perform this cleaning: this way you can reduce the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation and that can lead to a dangerous alteration in health.

Ir al dentista ayuda a mejorar la salud cardiovascular

9. Exercise

It is essential to carry out sports activities to have good cardiovascular health. A study, conducted in 2011 and published in the American Heart Association, found that men who increased their physical condition with exercise are less likely to die of heart disease.

Another study, published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , reported that men who exercise at least 3 hours a week reduced their risk of heart attack by 22%.

From the above, it can be concluded that it is necessary to strengthen physical condition to obtain good cardiovascular health.

El ejercicio mejora la salud cardiovascular

10. Eat fish

Many people shy away from fish because it tastes and smells bad; However, if you want to strengthen your cardiovascular health, it is essential that you eat this food regularly.

Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and can reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Researchers in a Danish study published in the journal Hypertension found that women of childbearing age who never ate fish were 90% more likely to suffer from cardiovascular problems than those who ate fish weekly.

Even the consumption of fish only three times a month can be beneficial for the body.

Consumir pescado cuida la salud cardiovascular


  • Squillace, M. 20 Easy Ways to Help Your Heart. For Bicycling [Revised May 2017]