10 healthy carbohydrates that you can include in your diet

Looking to increase your energy, mental sharpness, training efficiency, and weight control? Adding healthy carbohydrates to your diet could help you achieve those goals.

These carbohydrates contain fiber, which makes your body take longer to process because they make your system work to break them down before they can be absorbed. As a result, they help keep your energy, blood sugar, mood, and appetite levels in check between meals.

About 50 to 60% of your total daily calories should consist of carbohydrates. While foods with refined carbohydrates are harmful to health, whole foods with natural carbohydrates are very healthy and have many benefits.

We present a list of 10 of them that you might want to include in your diet.

Lista de los carbohidratos más saludables

Healthy carbohydrates to include in your diet

1. Brown rice

What do you think if we tell you that reducing your risk for type 2 diabetes can be as simple as swapping white rice for whole wheat?

In one study, researchers looked at the diet, lifestyle habits, and general health of nearly 200,000 adults. They found that participants who ate 2 or more servings of brown rice per week were less likely to have risk factors for diabetes compared to those who ate white rice.

Unlike white rice, which is stripped of valuable nutrient content during processing, brown rice is a whole grain. As a general rule of thumb, whole grains offer more nutrients, are more filling, and provide more wellness benefits than refined grains.

So when you’re given a choice, choose brown, brown, or brown rice over white rice or instant brown rice.

Carbohidratos saludables para añadir a tu dieta

2. Popcorn

Eating healthy doesn’t require you to always give up crunchy snacks, particularly if you enjoy popcorn.

In a study published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal in 2011, 111 adults ate their typical diets for three months, with or without 100 calories from 94% fat-free popcorn. At the end of the study, the participants who ate popcorn showed significant reductions in overall fat and saturated fat intake and a marked increase in fiber intake.

Popcorn is a more nutritious whole-grain alternative to low- nutrient processed foods such as potato chips and pretzels. So next time you’re looking for something crunchy, go ahead and grab some popcorn with a pinch of salt.

Las palomitas de maíz son un carbohidrato saludable

3. Zucchini

Zucchini is probably not the first food that comes to mind when you think of fiber, but eating more of this vegetable provides an easy way to increase your fiber intake throughout the year.

Fiber has a wide range of health benefits, from helping you maintain a healthy digestive system to helping prevent heart disease.

Zucchini is recommended for use in soups, stews, and side dishes. A cup of cooked pumpkin provides 9 grams of fiber (the recommended daily intake is 25 grams for women and 38 for men).

Carbohidratos altos en fibra

4. Quinoa

Quinoa is a pseudoceral, which means that although it is consumed as a grain, it is actually a seed with a unique nutritional profile.

Pseudo-cereals like quinoa are higher in protein , offer higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals like iron and B vitamins, and are a naturally gluten-free grain alternative.

Gluten-free foods are important if you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance. A 2/3 serving of cooked quinoa provides approximately 5.5 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber. Plus, quinoa only requires about 20 minutes of cooking time.

Lista de carbohidratos saludables

5. Berries

Berries not only offer nature’s best carbohydrates , with a good source of fiber, but also thousands of antioxidants and phytonutrients, powerful health protectors. These fruits are particularly high in these nutrients and are considered brain foods.

Blueberries and strawberries, meanwhile, help preserve brain function in women and delay memory decline by two and a half years.

Enjoy berries as a healthy addition to your smoothies, whole grain pancakes, and even salads. When buying frozen, select varieties without added sweetener – berries are sweet enough on their own, and consuming too much sugar can lead to undesirable weight gain and blood sugar imbalances.

¿Qué frutas tienen los carbohidratos más saludables?

6. Beans

Beans are truly a magical legume, but not for the reasons you can imagine.

These tiny diamonds are good for your heart. The slow-digesting, insoluble fiber found in beans can help lower cholesterol, keep blood sugar stable, and help lower your risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

One cup of cooked navy, navy or adzuki beans provides 19 grams of fiber. Lime-colored beans provide 16 grams of fiber for each cooked cup, and are also high in protein and antioxidants and low in fat.

If you are concerned about bloating and gas, gradually incorporate beans into a low fiber diet. Soaking them in water overnight also helps.

¿Cuáles son las legumbres más saludables?

7. Oats

Oats will always have a place in the health food hall of fame as they were the first to have a sample of FDA health food labels and declaration.

In January 1997, the labels said that oats can reduce the risk of heart disease when combined with a low-fat diet. This food has also been linked to improved cholesterol levels, body weight, and blood pressure.

As a high-fiber food, oats have the added benefit of being quite filling. A bowl of oatmeal for breakfast will keep you full until lunch.

To make it even healthier, use low-fat milk or water instead of whole milk and top with fresh fruit.

La avena es uno de los carbohidratos más saludables

8. Mangoes

At about 135 calories per piece, mangoes are high in fiber , containing almost 4 grams of fiber per piece of medium-size fruit, and antioxidants including vitamin C and beta-carotene. As if this were not enough, mangoes are also a fruit that fights cancer.

In a 2010 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , researchers looked at the effects of mango extracts on non-cancerous cells and cells associated with colon, prostate and breast cancer. They found that the extracts helped prevent healthy cells from developing cancer and slowed the growth of cancer cells. The Haden and Ataulfo mango varieties showed particularly strong benefits in this regard.

¿Por qué el mango es una fruta saludable?

9. Whole wheat pasta

Do you know that the average American consumes 9 kg of noodles per year? This is not a problem unless you choose “refined white flour”.

Wholegrain pasta contains all the nutritious parts of the original grain, making it a valuable source of B vitamins, iron, protein, and fiber. These benefits make it a food that promotes long-lasting energy and appetite control between meals.

One cup of cooked whole wheat pasta offers 6 g of fiber and 7 g of protein. To make sure you eat whole wheat pasta, choose pasta that is labeled 100 percent whole wheat or choose those that list whole grains like wheat, spelled, or brown rice as the main ingredients.

Lista de carbohidratos saludables

10. Bananas

Bananas are so nutritious that they are considered a super food. They are naturally devoid of fat and cholesterol and are a valuable source of vitamins B6 and C, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.

The electrolytes in bananas, including potassium, also protect you against dehydration. The 3 grams of fiber contained per serving offer satiety, making it a useful food between meals.

Everyone should eat at least one banana per day , especially athletes, active people, and anyone with high blood pressure.

¿Cuáles son los carbohidratos más saludables?


Carbohydrates provide many health benefits , which is why they are so necessary for the body to function properly. These are found in many foods and beverages, but the healthiest are those found naturally in fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, and legumes. On the contrary, the most harmful are those found in processed foods in the form of starch or sugar.


  • Mclaughlin, A. 16 Diet-Friendly Healthful Carbs. For Livestrong [Revised March 2018].