Why doesn't my period come if I haven't had sex?

One of the most frequent questions asked by women of childbearing age is “why is my period not coming?” A fairly common concern, even more so if the woman is certain that she is not pregnant. From now on we tell you that it is something totally normal and that it may be due to different factors that have nothing to do with having or not having sex.

Why is my period not coming: something more and more frequent

The regular menstrual cycle is 28 days, what happens when after the date marked on the calendar the rule does not come down? If you are a fairly regular woman and you are a few days late, it is quite normal for doubts and the million dollar question to assail you, “why don’t I get my period if I haven’t had sex?” We tell you that it is something more and more frequent and quite common and that, a priori, you should not worry.

If you are absolutely sure that you are not pregnant and your period does not appear in a couple of weeks after the expected date, it may be time to make an appointment with your gynecologist to be more calm. Still, you can wait until the second month of delay for the doctor to do relevant tests and answer your question as to why my period does not come.

La ausencia de la menstruación puede deberse a múltiples factores

For irregular women this is somewhat more complicated and they already know how to manage these cases when they are certain that they are not pregnant. But if you are a very regular woman, it is normal for doubts to assail you. Start by keeping an exact track of your periods, including symptoms and their duration. From the application store of your mobile you can find multiple apps that help you keep track of your periods, but also of sexual relations and even taking the pill, in case you are using this contraceptive method.

These applications can be found for Android and iOS.

Unraveling the mystery: why doesn’t my period come to me?

The most common or logical causes of missed menstrual periods are pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are totally sure that you are not pregnant because you have not had intercourse or have already ruled it out through a test, take note, as it is a signal that your body may be sending you that something needs to be changed.

That said: if the rule is absent for a month, it does not pose a great risk to the body. Visit the gynecologist during the second delay period as it could be a symptom of an underlying disease or you simply need to change your lifestyle.

Contraceptive methods

Contraceptives are not taken only by women who have an active sex life and do not want to become pregnant; They also serve as a treatment for hormonal problems, as they help regulate the levels of hormones in the body. They are also prescribed to patients with other types of uterine conditions such as fibroids or benign tumors in the uterus.

These methods, which are usually oral, promise that the period will be regulated (in the case of women with fairly long or irregular periods). The problem is that many times contraceptives, depending on the type of hormone or hormones they contain, can cut the period completely .


Sudden weight loss can cause your period not to drop. Keep in mind that if you eat a diet that significantly restricts calories, you can alter your menstrual cycle. Here we also find eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia that cause the production of hormones that participate in ovulation to stop.

Extreme exercise

Related to the previous section we find the extreme exercise. Women who abuse sports to lose weight are also prone to missing menstrual periods. Remember that less is more and that if you want to follow a plan to lose weight, it is best to approach a nutritionist who will give you the guidelines to achieve your goal in a healthy way.

But not only women who try to lose weight with extreme exercise are subject to these menstrual absences, in elite athletes, such as gymnasts, it is also quite common.


At the other end of the scale we find overweight and obese women. The main reason why these women may suffer period irregularities is because obesity prevents the body from producing the necessary amount of estrogen to carry out the menstrual cycle.

Remember that being overweight is a disease and it is important to approach an expert to get a proper diet to help you stay healthy.


El estrés es un gran causante de por qué no me viene la regla

One of the diseases of the XXI century is stress, staunch enemy of much of the world ‘s population. Well, stress can also be one of the reasons why your period does not drop on the appointed date. In fact, it is one of the main reasons for the absence of the period. But what can you do to combat stress?

We know that work and home can cause you stress and it can be quite difficult to find a moment of the day to relax. But try to make room for yourself to release that tension; You can do this through exercise (we highly recommend yoga), breathing exercises, a massage, or simply a long bath with oil and salts.

Hyperthyroidism: one of the reasons why my period does not drop

Among the diseases that cause the rule not to fall we find hyperthyroidism . But what is hyperthyroidism? Also called an overactive thyroid, it is a condition in which the thyroid produces more thyroid hormones than the body requires. These hormones are responsible for managing how the body uses energy and participate in very important tasks such as breathing, digestion, heart rate, weight and even moods.

It is essential that the doctor makes this diagnosis and, in case you have a delay in your menstrual cycle, tell the gynecologist that you have hyperthyroidism.


Women with diabetes should also take note, as this disease and the menstrual cycle are closely related. For example, diabetic women have longer and heavier periods, compared to other women; On the other hand, it is believed that women with diabetes enter menopause at an earlier age and, of course, it may also be the cause of your period not coming down for a month.

And is that the menstrual cycle considerably affects blood sugar levels, as progesterone and estrogens act directly with insulin.

Polycystic ovary

Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, can also cause the absence of menstruation for a few months. Polycystic ovary is a disorder in which women have high levels of androgens in the body and, as a consequence, we find infertility, acne, increased hair and, of course, irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

And it is that the polycystic ovaries present underdeveloped bags in which the ovules are produced, therefore, it is frequent that these cannot be released, and, consequently, there is no menstruation. Basically, the follicles that are responsible for producing the eggs suffer a plugging so the eggs do not come out; It happens that women with PCOS have fewer periods than other women, although the few periods they do have are more painful and heavier.

Women with diabetes are prone to polycystic ovary.