Why does your rotator cuff hurt when doing push-ups?

Push-ups are a great exercise to add to your training routine, as they work the muscles throughout the body. Primarily, push-ups focus on the upper body, working the chest, arms, and upper back, but they also activate the core and leg muscles by maintaining a straight plank position.

Muscle pain, especially if you are not used to doing this exercise, is normal. If the pain doesn't start to dissipate after a few days, it may be a sign of a more serious injury. Shoulder pain due to push-ups can occur from repetitive movement of the push-ups, especially if done incorrectly. This can put pressure on the rotator cuff and cause injury.

hombre haciendo flexiones con dolor en manguito rotador

Types of rotator cuff injuries

The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles and tendons that attach to the shoulder blade, upper arm, and ribs. These tendons help the shoulder joint rotate.

Rotator cuff tendinitis is a common injury. It is the inflammation of one of the tendons in the shoulder joint. Inflammation can cause the tendons to weaken and eventually cause a tendon rupture. Shoulder bursitis is inflammation of the fluid that lubricates the rotator cuff tendons.

In addition to push-ups, other types of repetitive motion can also damage the rotator cuff, such as swimming, construction work, and painting. Sudden or incorrect movements, such as pulling while playing sports or starting a lawn mower, can also cause injury.

How is the injury diagnosed?

If you feel pain in the shoulder or upper arm and it lasts more than a week, see your doctor. Rotator cuff pain due to flexing may be due to an injury that can worsen and last for years if not properly diagnosed and treated.

Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask you to perform several movements to determine the location of the injury. An MRI or x-ray may also be required.

What treatment is there?

In many cases, treatment takes four to six weeks, although it may take longer, depending on the severity of the injury. Treatment options may include rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid injections, and physical therapy . Some tears may require surgery to repair the injury.

Certain stretches and exercises will help relieve pain and strengthen the rotator cuff. Consult your doctor or physical therapist before performing any exercise with a rotator cuff injury.

Prevention of injuries when doing push-ups

The proper way will help prevent shoulder pain from flexing:

  • Start in a plank position. Your hands should be under your shoulders with your arms straight.
  • Stretch your legs and keep your body straight and your spine in a neutral position.
  • Bend your elbows to lower your chest close to the ground.
  • Stretch your elbows to raise your body back to the starting position.
  • While doing the flex, keep your core tight and straight. Do not allow your back to sink or your hips to rise.

Flexing too fast or going too low with the wrong elbow position can cause extreme external rotation of your shoulder and contribute to rotator cuff problems. Make the movement as smooth as possible to avoid shaking your shoulder.

If you're not fit or just started doing push-ups in your exercise routine, start with low repetitions as you increase strength. You can also try flex variations, like a wall flex.