Why do you need carbohydrates after training?

Carbohydrates are going through one of their worst times. There are people who are terrified of eating cereals, pasta or vegetables because they are going to gain weight and throw away all their training. We have gone from being afraid of healthy fats to being afraid of carbohydrates, and we cannot allow this mistake.

Our body needs to supply itself with all the nutrients in order to function properly. And while most think that protein is essential after training, the reality is that we also need carbohydrates at the end of an intense session.

Carbohydrates protect our body at the end of training

A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that carbohydrates are the best option to help protect our bodies after intense training. Specifically, hydrates prevent infections from establishing at the end of a high intensity session.
When we finish training, our body is in a brief period of reduced immunity , where white blood cells and lymphocytes are lower. This makes the immune system more vulnerable to infection.

The more explosive the workout, the longer it takes for the body to recover. So it could be said that high intensity exercises increase the risk of suffering from infections , such as respiratory infections.

What role do carbohydrates play in consuming them after training? Hydrates can help prevent these negative changes in the immune system. If we ingest them during and after training, our body will be supplied with glucose and fructose to convert them into energy. So it also tries to control blood sugar levels , reducing stress on the body and preventing the immune system from being compromised.

Experts assure that taking between 30 and 60 grams of carbohydrates in the first hour or two after training can provide notable benefits.

Even if you don’t have protein powder, you can add some carbohydrates to your post-workout snack. Not only will you be helping your immune system, but you will also replenish your energy. It will prevent you from ending up exhausted back home, and from running out of energy for the rest of the day.