Why do you have more gas during your period?

The most commented symptoms during menstruation are binge eating, abdominal bloating, craving for sweets and gas. Yes, we don't usually talk about farts out of shame, but it is also very common in people who have their periods.

Not that it is a consolation, but you already know that you are not alone in this. It is common to notice an increase in gastrointestinal symptoms before and during menstruation. In fact, science found that roughly three-quarters of people experienced gastrointestinal problems during PMS, while two-thirds experienced them during their period.

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Is it normal to have more gas during my period?

It's normal for you to feel gas for the time just before your period. That's when the levels of the hormone progesterone rise, which slows intestinal motility to a slower.

If stool movement slows or stops, stool stays in the colon longer and accumulates more. The longer the stool is in the colon, the more fermentation occurs and the more gas it produces. There is a lot of connection between farts and constipation. An empty colon does not have as much gas as one filled with stool.

When your period comes, your estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest. Many of us know what that is, and how complicated pooping can get. Women produce prostaglandins when they have their periods, and these chemicals cause the muscle to contract.

This affects the uterine smooth muscle and causes cramping, but it can also affect the smooth muscle of the intestine and make things go faster. That is why it is also common to have episodes of diarrhea, not only constipation appears. In both situations you may be experiencing gas or, unfortunately, wet farts.

Also, if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), prepare to feel even worse when you have your period. IBS symptoms, which include pain, bloating, and diarrhea, also tend to increase just as your period begins.

How to avoid menstrual farts

Depending on what is happening in your case, follow these steps to fart less this month.

If you are constipated

You can take a mild over-the-counter laxative , such as Micralax, to increase motility and help your stool move. It may not take long to get back to your regular bowel movement routine, but these medications are a good short-term solution.

It is also important that you move more. We know it's the last thing you want to do when you're having pain from your period, but even going for a walk can help with bowel movements. There was a study that found that doing 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week reduced PMS symptoms, including constipation, over an eight-week period.

If you have diarrhea

There are drugs called " prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors " that will block the production of prostaglandins. Yes, you don't have to dig too much because you know them well: they are ibuprofen and naproxen .

Taking these medications with your period can help with cramps and intestinal problems.