Why do you get dizzy when you go to the toilet?

When you're constipated, you may have hard, dry, and lumpy stools, have trouble pooping, or feel like not enough came out. Forcing the situation for a long time can also cause dizziness in the toilet bowl.

Why do you get dizzy when you are constipated?

First you have to know that constipation is not a common cause of dizziness. However, in certain circumstances, it could contribute to this.

hombre con mareos cuando va al baño

Straining or having a fairly large or bulky bowel movement (usually in the setting of explosive diarrhea) or gastrointestinal bleeding can cause a vagal event. Overstimulating your vagus nerve can cause your pulse rate to drop, and if not enough blood reaches your brain, you can become dizzy and pass out.

Fainting is quite extreme, but having a bowel movement can be a trigger. If this is what happens to you, it could also be the result of a condition called orthostatic hypotension .

If you're constipated, you may be spending too much time in the bathroom trying to make magic happen, right? So if you spend an hour sitting, just when you get up you could experience orthostatic hypotension, which is when your blood pressure drops when you stand up.

Blood pools in your legs when you sit down, less blood flows to the brain, and as a result, you may feel dizzy, have blurred vision, or confusion. Sitting for long periods of time can also make your legs numb.

How to avoid dizziness in the bathroom?

Standing up and getting dizzy is not a rare consequence of sitting too long, so there are a few things you can do:

Take it easy

If you get dizzy from sitting for a long time, hold onto something in the bathroom and wait a few seconds to see if you balance yourself and feel better. If you're still getting dizzy, sit back. Wait and then slowly get up again.

In case this happens every time you go to the bathroom, then you will have to really look at what could be causing you constipation and what you can do about it so that you don't have to sit on the toilet for a long time.

hombre relajandose para no tener mareos

Find a solution for your constipation

Constipation remedies include adding fiber-rich foods or taking a fiber supplement to your diet, or trying to get your body on a regular bowel movement schedule so your bowel knows it's the right time.

You can also use a stool to raise your legs and improve posture when defecating. These stools elevate the legs, reducing the time spent on the toilet, as well as the likelihood of blood pooling in the extremities. Wearing one can help prevent that feeling of lightheadedness and lightheadedness.

Check your medications

Talk to your doctor about the medications you might be taking that may be affecting how you feel when you go from sitting to standing. It is very common for medications to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) to play a role.

Be aware that you may be constipated and dizzy, even if the constipation is not the direct cause of the dizziness. Some lifestyle habits may be contributing to both, and that includes not drinking enough fluids , taking certain medications, and stress or anxiety .