When to apply a facial sun cream: before or after treatment creams?

We all know that sunscreen is essential , as it prevents the sun’s rays from burning our faces. In addition, it moisturizes our complexion and we avoid more wrinkles than those that the passage of time gives us. However, the vast majority of people only use this product in summer , as they believe that it is only necessary at this time of year. Nothing could be further from the truth. The power of the star king influences our body throughout the different seasons, both to lift our spirits and to make the dermis suffer from its radiation. For this reason, in order for you to know how to act in your day-to-day life , throughout this article we are going to tell you when you have to apply a facial sunscreen . By following our advice, you will notice your face rejuvenated and protected at all times.

When to apply a facial sunscreen

We get up in the morning and, without any doubt, we apply the day cream that also prevents wrinkles. Of course, not without first using the cleanser and even a serum indicated for our skin type. Taking into account that we already feel our complexion hydrated and smooth, we continue with other steps that will help us face the day with energy, such as having breakfast or doing some sport.

We go out and do not forget our sunglasses in order to protect our eyes from this immense star that accompanies us every day. However, there is an important step that we have missed. Have you noticed what it is?

If your answer has been that, just as we protect ourselves, for example, our eyes from the star king, we should do the same with other organs of the body, such as the skin , you are right. But at what point should we give it to ourselves? There are many doubts that arise from this question. As we are aware of this, in this section we are going to talk about when to apply a facial sunscreen .

First the treatment, then the sun cream

Those people who use a moisturizing or anti-wrinkle cream, for example, and sunscreen on the other, often have doubts when asked which one comes first, but the solution is easy. First, you have to apply the fluid that everyone prefers , whether for dry, oily or combination skin. When this product has been absorbed, it is time to apply the sunscreen . It will always be the last product to add to our routine. The reason is that their role is to protect .

aplicar una crema solar facial

How long does sunscreen take effect?

It has always been said that sunscreen should be applied half an hour before exposure to the sun , but there are some theories that say that five minutes are enough to be protected against the rays of the latter. This is due to the fact that, during this time, the formula of the protectors stabilizes . Also, the photoprotection would already be stable enough to fulfill its function. However, all the experts agree on something, and that is that to be really protected, you have to use this product every two hours .

Myths and truths of sun creams

There are many myths that are spread about sun cream . Therefore, at this point we are going to deny those that are most talked about.

Sunscreen is not necessary if we are in the shade

The power of the sun is everywhere , even if we don’t feel our skin burning. For this reason, it is necessary to always protect yourself, especially the face, which is the most exposed part and, sometimes, the most sensitive.

The more product, the greater the effect

Many professionals say that the amount of sunscreen that fits on the tip of a finger is perfect to cover a surface such as the palm of a hand . Of course, it should be extended well so that no corner of our face is unprotected.

The same sunscreen goes for anyone

Without a doubt, each skin needs a different factor and product . Therefore, one cream cannot be valid for everyone. For example, it is always recommended that a child use factor 30. Also, babies should never be exposed to direct sunlight.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the darker a skin is, the less protection it will require . The reason is that more melanin will be manufactured and less damage will suffer, but they should always use sun cream since it ages them the same.

No need to apply the cream again after bathing

In many solar products it is possible to read that they are resistant to water , but it is never advisable to take a bath and not apply the cream again. Of course, it is necessary to dry the area before .

A good protector prevents the skin from turning brown

It is true that a good protector delays the act of getting brown . However, this does not mean that as the days go by we will not notice our more tanned skin. Also, with the use of a high factor, the tan will last longer and be more uniform .

In this way, we have to be very responsible when exposing ourselves to the sun . The reason is that the consequences can be very serious, such as burns or, in extreme cases, skin cancer. We cannot play with our health because we do not follow a good routine or because of aesthetics . We always come first.