We present you the best remedies against dandruff

Have you started to notice flaking of the scalp and as if you were leaving a white trail on black clothes? It is most likely dandruff. How to combat it? In our article today we present you the best dandruff remedies that you can use to get rid of its annoying symptoms once and for all.

Dandruff remedies: how to fight it

What is dandruff?

It is a dermatological condition of the scalp that affects up to 50% of the world’s population. It consists of an annoying detachment of scales or lamellae (white color) of dead skin from the scalp that is characterized by constant itching. Dandruff, although itchy, lacks inflammation.

Desquamation is normal, as the skin dies and comes off in the form of flakes, the problem is when these flakes or lamellae reproduce in abundance and cause itching, as well as, in some cases, irritation and redness.

Remedios caseros para la caspa

Causes of the appearance of dandruff

Dandruff can be the result of other skin conditions such as mycosis, seborrhea, or psoriasis. As we already anticipated, it is totally natural for skin cells to die; During this process, dead cells are pushed to the surface and fall in the form of lamellae. Their size is usually almost imperceptible, but they become visible as a result of other body problems and increase in size. That’s when they fall off as dandruff. Dandruff is characterized because the appearance of dead cells occurs 1 time every 2 weeks, when the common process is 1 time a month.

One of the most common causes of dandruff is the FM fungus. This is found on the surface of the skin of all people (healthy or not). The FM fungus is responsible for metabolizing human fat. When it grows too fast, the natural renewal of cells is disturbed and itching arises and leads to dandruff. Another cause of the appearance of dandruff is the sebaceous glands, genetic predisposition and food allergies, excessive perspiration, the use of inappropriate shampoos and even the seasons of the year and stress can also influence.

Dandruff can be aggravated by cold, dry temperatures, exposure to dust, hair dyes, and even ultraviolet light. You should also be careful with the fixative or hairspray and gel. Many people react to these products and dandruff can proliferate. We already said that dandruff can be the result of a poor diet, with zinc deficiency being the most common cause. But also if you follow a diet rich in carbohydrates and poor in vitamin B, you may be a victim of this annoying condition.

Best dandruff remedies

Generally, with the use of a specific shampoo , dandruff can be eradicated. These are effective in people who do not have much dandruff and it is enough to wash their hair properly and regularly. One tip is to wash your hair frequently, as this helps remove dead skin before the scales can accumulate in large quantities. For more severe cases, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist, in case the prescription of medications such as ketoconazole or stronger and more specific shampoos is necessary.

El aceite de coco puede aplicarse directamente sobre el cabello o diluido

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective dandruff remedies. Coconut oil has countless properties for our body, and, in the case of the skin, it is not far behind. For example, coconut oil is antifungal, soothing (for itchiness caused by dandruff) and, best of all, it hydrates the scalp. We recommend adding it to your beauty routine, even when you have eradicated dandruff. Nothing like a mask to hydrate your hair every so often!

You can apply 2 teaspoons of oil directly to the scalp and massage gently for 5 to 10 minutes. It is important to put on a shower cap afterwards and, in some cases, it is recommended to rinse the next day using shampoo . Another way to apply it is with lemon juice, which, due to its citrus properties, restores the pH. Mix 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Massage 10 minutes and put on a shower cap. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse by washing your hair as usual.

Olive oil, one of the remedies against dandruff

You could not imagine it! An ubiquitous ingredient in all Spanish kitchens, it is also an excellent ally for dandruff. Olive oil is very rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that strengthens hair and, thanks to which, it can grow strong and healthy. In addition, olive oil has vitamin C (ideal for collagen) and vitamin A, which allows regeneration. Olive oil not only regenerates but also helps calm itching, stimulates hair growth and, in general, restores hair. Nothing like an olive oil mask to nourish hair and add shine and softness!

It is recommended to use extra virgin olive oil and not directly from the bottle. The process consists of heating a little oil until it is a little warm and moistening, also with warm water, the hair. Apply just a few drops of oil to the scalp. Do not go overboard with the amount because your hair will be very oily. Gently massage with your fingertips until the oil is spread throughout the leather. Wrap the hair in a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

After this step, many advise to wash directly with the usual shampoo. Others, before this step, brush their hair to remove dandruff.

El aceite de oliva es uno de los remedios contra la caspa que tienes que probar

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is also very effective in fighting dandruff, as it helps restore the pH of the scalp and control the fungus that causes dandruff. Vinegar is very strong, but it is recommended to use it from time to time to wash your hair. Of course, you cannot use it directly but it must be diluted.

The recipe is simple. 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 glass of warm water. Dilute the oil in the water and apply on the scalp giving a massage. Some recommend going to sleep with the mixture on your hair and washing the next day. Others prefer to leave the product to act for half an hour and then rinse with the usual shampoo.