What weight loss diets have been shown to work?

If you are looking to lose weight, surely you have already tried many diets and have heard of many others. Each one advises us what they think works, perhaps because it has worked for them or because they have heard of someone who has done well. In reviewsmexico.mx you will find many reviews about diets to lose weight.

Today we want to present you the definitive guide to the best diets, the ones that really work to lose weight while taking care of your health. Forget the miracle diets that promise and then produce a rebound effect that is difficult to eliminate. And as essential advice we will tell you that to lose weight you have to be patient and be constant.

The best thing is to eat healthy, choosing a routine that we can maintain over time and, if possible, start by putting ourselves in the hands of a professional. And thanks to the high demand for good nutrition, it is now even possible to order healthy food at home. Taking all this into account and without further ado, these are the safe and proven weight loss diets:

Mediterranean diet

Where do you eat better than in the Mediterranean? We have a wide variety of food at affordable prices and very healthy. What else do we need to lose weight? Nothing!

But what is this Mediterranean diet? Well, this concept was born in the 20th century when an epidemiologist studied the type of diet that was taken in Crete and saw that it was similar to that of other countries such as Spain, Italy, Malta and Crete. That’s where this name came from.

What is this form of nutrition based on? In the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and monounsaturated fats such as that found in olive oil and avocado or salmon. In the reduced consumption of meat and all this combined with an active lifestyle in which moderate exercise is practiced at least three times a week for half an hour.

dash diet

Much has been heard about this diet in recent months, since its effectiveness has been proven, not only for weight loss, but also to prevent diseases. In fact, it was developed with the idea of controlling hypertension and later it was found that this type of diet had a positive effect on metabolism and diabetes.

It is a diet based on legumes, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and skimmed dairy products. Thanks to the fact that we eliminate the most harmful ingredients from some foods, it is effective in reducing calories in our daily diet and, therefore, helps us lose weight.

We can summarize it as a diet based on fresh foods where saturated fats and processed foods are reduced, as well as refined sugars.

paleo diet

The paleo diet is one of the most talked about in recent years. It is based on the idea that our ancestors did not need to consume many of the foods that we buy today to live. This is a fact that has been scientifically proven, so it works when it comes to losing weight. Therefore, we can summarize it by explaining that we should eat everything that the earth gives us, such as vegetables, fruits, what we find on it, such as fish and meat. We eliminate legumes and dairy. In this way, it is tried that all the proteins are from fresh foods of animal origin.

A diet based on real food

They do not have a specific name, this is the most summarized way that we have come up with to call it. It is a diet that millions of people in the world follow and that works, not only to lose weight, but also to maintain good health. It is a way of life, a type of diet in which all processed foods are eliminated, without alcohol, without excessive dairy products and with a high consumption of fruits and vegetables.

It is not a miracle diet that offers you short-term results, but in the long run it is very effective and its results are lasting. You have to avoid everything that is processed and not of natural origin. That is, milk that is not fresh, sugary drinks, refined sugar, frozen vegetables, etc. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to replace these harmful products.

intermittent fasting

If you’ve heard of weight loss diets, intermittent fasting has always been in the conversation. This is a practice carried out by many celebrities and well-known personalities, and who claim that it is effective.

We have grown up in a society where we are taught to eat five times a day, but intermittent fasting demolishes this theory and ensures that the longer the body is without eating food, the better the metabolism will work. It is about reducing the time of food consumption, always under control. There are different types of fasting:

  • Alternate days , that is, eating several days and not others. Like for example a 5/2, eating five days a week and not two.
  • By hours, existing the modalities of 16/8, 14/10, 12/12. It is recommended to start with the smallest and move forward as the body asks for it.

During the fasting time, when you do not eat, you can only drink water and teas or coffees without milk or sugar or sweetener. Nothing that has or provides calories. During the hours that we can eat, we can consume all kinds of products, always maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Were you looking for diets to lose weight? These are the best and the safest for your health. They are not a miracle, so the results are slower, but they also last much longer. Do you already know which one you are going to try?