What types of contact lenses are available in the market?

Do you know what types of contact lenses are on the market? More and more people are suffering from some type of vision problem, such as myopia. It is normal, in these cases, to acquire glasses that are capable of correcting it in order to see the world around us in a perfect way. Now, there are many people who feel uncomfortable with glasses, so they prefer to bet, most of the time, on contact lenses. In addition, the arrival of the mask has made us see that glasses sometimes cause us some inconveniences, such as when they fog up and do not allow us to move safely , since the mist prevents us from seeing through the glasses.

types of lenses

There are numerous types of contact lenses depending on their manufacture and their hardness. Therefore, we can classify them as semi-rigid, rigid or soft. In visiondirect.es you can buy the ones you need. Taking into account the quality and the objective of the same, many people come to believe that to obtain a product with these characteristics they have to make a large investment. However, today it is possible to buy contact lenses at a good price.

Rigid contact lenses

These types of lenses include both gas permeable lenses, also called permeable, and hard lenses. They are able to eliminate any refractive error that exists, including corneal astigmatism. It is the first model of contact lenses that was invented. Now, among its disadvantages is that it does not allow oxygen to enter the eye naturally.

tipos de lentillas

semi-rigid contact lenses

This type of contact lens is made with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). It is a type of plastic that is transparent. They are a step up from rigid lenses . Therefore, the amount of oxygen that passes to the eye is greater. On the other hand, lenses created with polymethylmethacrylate include silicone, which facilitates the above. In addition, this material allows them to be more permeable and flexible . However, the disadvantage that exists is that they lack rigidity and, therefore, their duration is shorter, getting dirty even more easily. Therefore, you have to pay more attention to these lenses in order to take better care of them. They are recommended for those whose eyes hardly produce tears naturally . The reason is that, by not having water among the ingredients that make it up and by not absorbing it, the eye does not dry out. On the other hand, it should be noted that they reduce the possibility of having conjunctivitis.

soft contact lenses

Soft contact lenses are the ones most people use. These are contact lenses made from flexible materials. For this reason, the breath of the eye increases with respect to the previous elements. On the other hand, it is necessary to point out that, in the same way, many people continue to have their eyes dry with their use, especially if they wear them for more hours than is advisable or do not maintain the hygiene they should in relation to this product.

cosmetic contact lenses

Cosmetic contact lenses are soft contact lenses that offer clients the opportunity to change the color of their iris. They can be neutral or graduated. In this way, they are for sale for all types of public, with or without vision problems. Regarding its duration, there are monthly, fortnightly or disposable on a daily basis . Depending on the manufacturer, they will be made with one material or another. The color also depends on the latter. Now, never bet on brands that do not generate confidence, because we are talking about the health of your vision.