What treatments can hyaluronic acid do?

Treatments with hyaluronic acid have become one of the most popular when it comes to wanting to slow down time in our body. It is a substance that is easy to find both in aesthetic treatments and in many creams. In this way, when someone asks aesthetic medicine clinics how to improve the image in a simple way, one of the answers that most professionals offer is based on this product. It is ideal for people who want to look younger without having to go through an operating room , as it has the ability to eliminate those signs of age that are marked on the skin over time.

What is hyaluronic acid?

When we talk about hyaluronic acid treatments we have to be clear that it is a substance that our own body produces naturally. One of its objectives is to keep the skin firm and hydrated thanks to the fact that it is very efficient when it comes to retaining water. Also, it should be noted that it is not only found on the skin, but also in the joints. In short, hyaluronic acid is a molecule capable of capturing water .

As time passes, our body does not have the same ability to manufacture hyaluronic acid. This causes the skin to dehydrate more easily. For this reason, volume is lost in the face , some wrinkles appear and flaccidity also makes an appearance. In order to stop all these effects caused by age, many people decide to opt for aesthetic medicine. This uses hyaluronic acid treatments that are created in laboratories. Its elaboration is very curious, since it takes place from a bacterium. From it, scientists know how to create a product identical to the one made by the human body. Thanks to this information, it is fully compatible with our body. Along with nose surgery, hyaluronic acid has become one of the most popular treatments.

In addition to all of the above, it is important to note that hyaluronic acid on the lips is one of the most demanded, mainly by women. In this way, they are seen with greater volume , which improves the image of the face in a very short time.

Different hyaluronic acid treatments for different problems

There are two types of hyaluronic acid used in aesthetic medicine treatments . It all depends on the patient’s problem when selecting one or the other.

the linear

In this case, the hyaluronic acid molecules are characterized by being free . In this way, they are used to moisturize the skin. This is done by small injections. It is recommended for those whose skin is dehydrated . Now, if more benefits are sought, it can be combined with other types of substances, such as minerals or vitamins. These regulate the function of the cells of the dermis. Likewise, amino acids, capable of promoting the production of elastin and collagen, can also be used. Thanks to the latter, it is possible to put a stop to photoaging . Likewise, you can also treat the spots that the skin sometimes suffers. Thus, its appearance and quality are improved.

tratamientos de ácido hialurónico

the reticulate

If we talk about cross- linked hyaluronic acid , we can say that it is the same molecule. However, in this case it is cross-linked, which means that they are intertwined and compacted with each other in order to give the leather greater solidity. In this case, it is not about capturing water, but about volumizing those areas that have lost volume over time. The reason for the latter is the reabsorption of fat from the bone. Therefore, the skin that is in front of the bony structures falls.

It is an ideal substance for those skins that are slightly or moderately flaccid . The most prominent signs in these cases are wrinkles at the corners of the lips or below them. In the event that the flaccidity is severe, it is essential to opt for the surgery recommended by the surgeon. On the other hand, it should be noted that it is not recommended for expression lines, such as the dreaded crow’s feet. In these cases, experts recommend Botox .

Other most demanded aesthetic touch-ups

As we mentioned, the nose operation is another of the most demanded treatments within aesthetic medicine . It is a very prominent part of the face, and there are those who prefer to make it thinner or raise it a little in order to offer a totally renewed image. Without a doubt, a good option for those people who do not feel comfortable with their face and who want to take action on it. There is nothing like loving yourself as you are , but it never hurts to want to go as far as you want, and if there are no medical limits in this regard, it is highly recommended to feel proud when you look in the mirror.