What is Keto bread and why is it perfect for a ketogenic diet?

Do you know what keto bread is ? It is a perfect food for all those who follow a ketogenic diet . But, do you know what the latter consists of? In order to solve your doubts, we are going to talk to you about both topics throughout this article. You will discover each of the benefits they have and if they are adapted to the objectives you are looking for.

Keto bread

Keto bread is a product that is used as a substitute for bread. For this reason, many call it pseudo-bread. Its recipe does not include cereals as an ingredient , as it does with normal bread, and therefore does not contain carbohydrates . On the other hand, it is suitable for celiacs as it does not contain gluten and is perfect for those looking to control the intake of macronutrients.

It is also characterized by having a neutral flavor , that is, bland. For this reason, many of those who make it choose to add spices, olives, seeds or even a special sweetener for the oven. We recommend the latter exclusively if you are going to enjoy it with a sweet dish. The best thing is to try different ways of making it from a basic recipe, adapting it to both your tastes and your needs. Do you want to know how to make keto bread ? In the next section we will describe your recipe.

Keto bread recipe

To carry out the recipe for keto bread you need the following ingredients:

  • Three eggs
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese, cream cheese or plain Greek yogurt
  • Chemical yeast
  • Salt

The elaboration is very simple. The first step you should take is to preheat the oven to 150 degrees . While it is heating, we can take the opportunity to beat the egg whites until stiff and mix them with the yeast. On the other hand, we have to mix the yolks with the chosen ingredient (cheese or yogurt) .

Pan keto

Once the above is done, we mix everything. It is important that the whites are not lowered at any time . At this point, we place the result on a tray covered with paper and put it in the oven for 25 minutes. At the end of this time it would be ready. The normal thing is that it is fluffy on the inside and crunchy on the outside .

Ketogenic Diet and Keto Bread: What's the Link?

As we said at the beginning of this article, keto bread is related to the ketogenic diet . But do you know why? We will tell you everything below.

Ketogenic diet types

Of the ketogenic diet there is not only one modality, but there are many variants that depend on the needs of each individual. We explain the most outstanding ones.

Standard ketogenic diet (DCE)

It is an eating plan that is based on a low-carbohydrate diet . Also, the fat intake is high and the protein intake moderate. Normally, the amounts of which it is composed are the following: 5% carbohydrates, 20% proteins and 75% fats .

Adapted ketogenic diet (DCA)

Whoever follows this diet can afford to include carbohydrates only on training days .

Cyclical ketogenic diet (DCC)

This plan consists of having periods of higher carbohydrate intake . For example, a series would be five days in a row on keto and two on carbohydrates.

High protein ketogenic diet

It is similar to the one we have described in the first place, the standard one, but it includes more proteins . Their amounts would be: 5% carbohydrates, 35% protein and 60% fat .

The most studied diets so far are the standard and the high protein . The others have not been thoroughly studied. Of course, the latter are the most used by both bodybuilders and athletes.

Dieta cetogénica

Ketogenic diets and weight loss

Typically, people who choose to follow a ketogenic diet want to lose weight and, in turn, reduce the possibility of suffering from certain diseases, such as those related to the heart. One of the advantages of this style of eating is that it is not necessary to be aware of the calories that one consumes . Therefore, it is ideal for not obsessing constantly.

There are many reasons why professionals recommend cytogenic diets more than those low in fat. One of them is a greater weight loss and another is an increase in protein intake . The latter, without a doubt, brings multiple benefits.

Recommended foods on the ketogenic diet

Among the foods recommended by the ketogenic diet are red meat, ham, hot dogs, bacon, turkey, and chicken. We cannot forget tuna, salmon, mackerel or trout. Eggs are also included on this list, as are butter, cheese, seeds, and nuts. Even healthy oils, avocado, salt, healthier spices, and low-carb vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers are ideal for this type of diet.

Foods to Avoid on the Ketogenic Diet

On the other hand, it would be important to remove sugary foods from our daily lives , such as smoothies, cakes, juices or ice cream. Likewise, it is necessary that cereals, certain fruits, legumes, root vegetables, tubers and some sauces disappear from our diet. Now, saturated fats, sugar-free diet foods and alcohol are also added to all of the above. The latter for containing many carbohydrates.

With all of the above in mind, it's easy to figure out why keto bread is perfect for people on a ketogenic diet that typically cuts out grains and carbohydrates. Therefore, if your diet is based on these characteristics, this pseudo-bread will help you achieve part of the goals that you have set for yourself. Sometimes we should not try certain foods, but we will always find a substitute to help us make the process easier.